Přeskočit na hlavní obsah
Přeskočit hlavičku

Rozšiřte své znalosti a dovednosti, ať už v rámci profesního růstu nebo pro vlastní obohacení. Nabízíme vzdělávací programy a kurzy lidem každého věku.

Presenting at a Conference


In the course Presenting at a Conference, students will learn to prepare, practice, and give a presentation before they go to an international conference.
The course provides a safe environment for training and development of presentation skills in English. Besides learning how to present the results of their research at professional meetings, such as conferences, summits, and internships, students will learn several signposting phrases, i.e., phrases to guide the audience through the presentation.
They will also have the opportunity to practice the Questions and Answers (Q&A) session and learn how to deal even with difficult questions the audience might ask.

The main focus will be on the practical acquisition of presentation skills, and technical support during the presentation. At the same time, students will receive tips regarding the language of presentations - key phrases and tips for English articulation and pronunciation to deliver the message understandably.
Through guided practice, incorporating continuous feedback students will progress to a final conference practice.
During the final sessions, we will simulate a conference environment, including Q&A, and students will receive feedback both from the teacher and the audience.

Entry requirements for the course: English B1 (and higher)
Requirements for course completion: Active participation in 80% of the sessions + delivery of a final presentation.


1. Your current presentation skills, practising short forms of presentations, discussing examples of best practices.
2. Theoretical basis of presentations, useful language and signposting phrases, presentation practice.
3. Training using video recording
4. Group presentations
5. Mini-conference including a Q&A session, offering peer feedback.

Available study materials: Study materials and resources will be available in LMS Moodle.

Běhy kurzu

Datum Místo Forma Cena Účastníci Lektoři Přihlašování od-do
5. 11. 2024 -
10. 12. 2024
Ostrava (Semester course to take place on the following dates 5.11., 12.11., 19.11., 26.11., 3.12. 2024 from 9:00 - 12:15, room UK225a and 26.11. UK220. Credits: 3) Prezenční 12/15 Zobrazit lektory


  • Mgr. Vladimíra Lasotová
  • Mgr. Alena Kašpárková, Ph.D., M.A.
2. 9. 2024 -
4. 11. 2024
Typ kurzu Kurzy dalšího vzdělávání
Kód CZV_KDV_146
ISCED-F Language acquisition
Délka v týdnech 5
Hodinová dotace 65
Požadované vstupní vzdělání Magisterské
Typ financování Z vlastních prostředků vysoké školy/fakulty (mimo operační programy EU)
Účel vzdělávání jiný účel
Určeno pro Studenti
Akreditace Bez akreditace
Garantující útvar Prorektor pro VaV
Garant Mgr. Alena Kašpárková, Ph.D., M.A.
Koordinátor Ing. Lucie Hofrichterová
Jazyk výuky angličtina
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