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Making blogs from your research


In this fully interactive session, Dr Sam Illingworth will explore how to create, maintain, and advertise an impactful and successful blog that can both enhance and benefit your research in the process.

Lecturer info:
Dr. Sam Illingworth is an expert in science communication and interdisciplinary research. With more than 75 publications and an h-index of 18, he has made a significant impact, engaging stakeholders from policymakers to community groups. Apart from his academic contributions, he is an award-winning poet and game designer. His work has gained widespread media coverage, appearing on platforms like BBC and
NPR, and in outlets such as Scientific American, Buzzfeed, and Times Higher Education.
Dr. Illingworth has also conducted successful writing workshops and had his plays performed by prestigious institutions like the Royal Shakespeare Company in the UK.
Typ kurzu Kurzy dalšího vzdělávání
Kód CZV_KDV_151
ISCED-F Language acquisition
Délka v týdnech 1
Hodinová dotace 2
Požadované vstupní vzdělání Magisterské
Typ financování Z vlastních prostředků vysoké školy/fakulty (mimo operační programy EU)
Účel vzdělávání jiný účel
Určeno pro Zaměstnanci
Akreditace Bez akreditace
Garantující útvar Prorektor pro VaV
Garant Prof. Mgr. Jana Kukutschová, Ph.D.
Koordinátor Ing. Lucie Hofrichterová
Jazyk výuky angličtina
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