Přeskočit na hlavní obsah
Přeskočit hlavičku

Rozšiřte své znalosti a dovednosti, ať už v rámci profesního růstu nebo pro vlastní obohacení. Nabízíme vzdělávací programy a kurzy lidem každého věku.

Comprehensive Project Preparation and Planning


The course introduces PhD students and young researchers (postdocs) to selected project and grant management aspects.
The course focuses on the basic procedures, methodologies, and techniques for preparing and planning projects submitted as part of internal university projects and external national and international grant projects or grants.
The theoretical and methodological part of the course pays particular attention to the preparation and planning of projects with a focus on projects in the areas of research, development, innovation, and education, including the financial aspects of these projects.
The practical part of the course is devoted to practical skills and experience from the project preparation and planning phase. It includes project templates, case studies, and examples of good practice.
Students' quality competencies will be developed and supported using innovative project management techniques and standardised project documentation templates used in project management in the European Union and the USA.

Upon completion of the course, PhD students will be able to:
1. Know the basic terminology of project and grant management.
2. Characterize the basic standards of project management applied in the EU and the USA.
3. To be familiar with the basic principles, methods, and techniques of planning projects and the material and financial aspects of granted projects.
4. Interpret project structure requirements focusing on startup and junior grants.
5. Understand the content of the essential documents for preparing and planning co-financed and publicly funded projects.

Requirements for course completion:
- Correspondence tasks (individually or in teams, depending on the number of students in the course)
- Correspondence Task 1 (CT1): Logical Framework Matrix
- Correspondence Task 2 (CT2): Project Charter


• Theoretical minimum of project and grant management.
• Grant resources and grant opportunities for PhD students and postdocs.
• Grant sources and project financing from national and European public sources in the Czech Republic.
• Grant sources and financing of international projects and grants in the Czech Republic.
• The most used methodologies, techniques and tools in project preparation and planning.
• Identifying the project (initialisation, launch, examples of good practice).
• Project planning (planning processes, cultural influences and impact on planning, time planning, resource planning and financial aspects of the project, and examples of good practice).
• Work with project documentation templates (Request for Support/Grant Application, Statement of Work, Project Charter, Project Logframe, WBS, RAM/RACI matrix, Gantt Chart, Communication Plan, Project Budget, Project Financial Plan, Risk Assessment Matrix).
• Opportunities to incorporate Artificial Intelligence into project preparation and planning.

Available study materials:
• Moodle VŠB-TUO, Course Preparation and planning of projects - 004 (CZV_KDV_106_004 – English version):
• https://lms.vsb.cz/course/view.php?id=133629
• Presentation of lecturers.
• Templates (methodologies and tools for project preparation and planning).
• International project management standards.
• Examples of project documentation for subsidy and grant projects.

• Moodle VŠB-TUO, Innovation Project Management Course (KA203-061373) (InnoPro - Innovation Project Management) - supplementary course https://lms.vsb.cz/course/view.php?id=112540

Recommended literature:
1. BADIRU, Adedeji B. Project Management for Scholarly Researchers: Systems, Innovation, and Technologies. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, 2023. ISBN 978-1-032-08096-3.
2. BINDER, Jean. Global Project Management. Communication, Collaboration and Management Across Borders. London: Routledge, 2024. ISBN 13-978-0-566-08706-6.
3. EUROPEAN COMMISSION. PM² Project Management Methodology – Guide 3.0.1. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021. ISBN 978-92-76-31380-9.
4. FRANKLIN PUBLICATIONS. The Project Management Blueprint: How Any Beginner Can Thrive as a Successful Project Manager with This Stress-Free, Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering the Essentials. Franklin Publications, 2024. ISBN 979-8334596603.
5. HARTLEY, Stephen. Project Management: A practical guide to planning and managing projects. New York: Routledge, 2020. ISBN 9781760631789.
6. KERZNER, Harold. Project Management Case Studies. 6th edition. New Jersey: Wiley, 2022. ISBN 978-1119821991.
7. KOGON, Kory and Suzette BLAKEMORE. Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager. Updated and Revised Edition. Dallas (TX): Franklin Covey Book. 2024. ISBN 978-1637740507.
8. LESTER, Albert. Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards. 8th edition. Oxford (UK): Butterworth-Heinemann, 2021. ISBN 978-012-824339-8.
9. NIETO-RODRIGUEZ, Antonio. Harvard Business Review Project Management Handbook. Boston (MA): Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. 2021. ISBN 978-1-64782-125-8.
10. PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) and the Standard for Project Management. 7th edition. Pennsylvania: PMI, 2021. ISBN 978-1-62825-664-2.
11. WYSOCKI, Robert K. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, Hybrid. London: Wiley, 2019. ISBN 978-1119562801.

Běhy kurzu

Datum Místo Forma Cena Účastníci Lektoři Přihlašování od-do
5. 3. 2025 -
7. 3. 2025
Ostrava (A three-day in-class course that will take place on 5., 6. and 7.3. 2025 from 9:00 - 16:00 / 9:00 - 13:00, room UK225a. Participants bring their laptops. Credits: 3) Prezenční 3/15 Zobrazit lektory


  • Ing. Lukáš Melecký, Ph.D.
  • doc. Ing. Michaela Melecká Staníčková, Ph.D.
27. 1. 2025 -
4. 3. 2025
Typ kurzu Kurzy dalšího vzdělávání
Kód CZV_KDV_156
ISCED-F Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law
Délka v týdnech 1
Hodinová dotace 75
Požadované vstupní vzdělání Magisterské
Typ financování Z vlastních prostředků vysoké školy/fakulty (mimo operační programy EU)
Účel vzdělávání jiný účel
Určeno pro Studenti
Akreditace Bez akreditace
Garantující útvar Prorektor pro VaV
Garant Ing. Lukáš Melecký, Ph.D.
Koordinátor Ing. Lucie Hofrichterová
Jazyk výuky angličtina
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