Přeskočit na hlavní obsah
Přeskočit hlavičku

Rozšiřte své znalosti a dovednosti, ať už v rámci profesního růstu nebo pro vlastní obohacení. Nabízíme vzdělávací programy a kurzy lidem každého věku.

Writing for Publication: Supervisor/Lecturer Training - Theoretical Foundations


A unique international, one-semester, blended-learning training for supervisors and/or lecturers of Writing for Publication/ Scientific Writing/ Academic Writing. The training aims to support participants in designing and teaching research writing courses for graduate students/ doctoral candidates/ researchers at the beginning of their careers. During the course, participants explore various aspects of teaching research writing, including rhetorical and genre analysis, feedback, and the publication process (e.g., choosing an appropriate journal, communicating with editors and reviewers, and preparing the manuscript for peer review). Participants will also learn to view writing as a social and emotional activity through which one develops one's identity as a scholar and researcher. As a result, they will be able to use their acquired skills to communicate the general principles of research writing in English and to provide ongoing support with constructive feedback on papers/ dissertations.


1. Module 1: Introduction and Threshold Concepts
2. Module 2: The Writer
3. Module 3: Rhetorical Genre Analysis Skills
4. Synchronous Check-in
5. Module 4: Plagiarism, Patchwriting, and Source Use
6. Module 5: The Empirical Article: Introductions and Literature Reviews
7. Synchronous Check-in
8. Module 6: The IMRAD Article: Results, Methods, Discussion, and Clarity
9. Module 7: Teaching Advanced Writing: Peer Review, Writing Groups, and Writers’ Workshops
10. Synchronous Check-in
11. Module 8: Writing Conferences and Offering Feedback
12. Module 9: Supporting the Publication Process
13. Module 10: Instructional Design and Technologies
Typ kurzu Mezinárodní kurzy
Kód CZV_MUK_008
ISCED-F Education not further defined
Délka v týdnech 13
Hodinová dotace 60
Požadované vstupní vzdělání Magisterské
Typ financování Z vlastních prostředků vysoké školy/fakulty (mimo operační programy EU)
Účel vzdělávání jiný účel
Určeno pro Veřejnost
Akreditace Bez akreditace
Garantující útvar Writing Support Centre
Garant Mgr. Alena Kašpárková, Ph.D., M.A.
Koordinátor Ing. Lucie Hofrichterová
Jazyk výuky angličtina
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