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Platnost příspěvku skončila 8. 11. 2023!

Pozvánka na kurz Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling MATLAB Code to the HPC Cluster

 8. 11. 2023, 9:00 - 17:00
Pozvánka na kurz Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling MATLAB Code to the HPC Cluster
Národní centrum kompetence pro HPC vás zve na kurz Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling MATLAB Code to the HPC Cluster, který se bude konat hybridně (online a onsite) dne 8. listopadu 2023.

This two-part hands-on workshop will introduce you to parallel computing with MATLAB so that you can solve computationally and data-intensive problems using multicore processors, GPUs, and computer clusters.

The course will be delivered in hybrid mode. You can attend the course at IT4Innovations in Ostrava or online.

Level: beginner/intermediate

Language: English

Tutors: Raymond Norris and Dr. Shubo Chakrabarti, MathWorks

  49.837526N; 18.156002E
Vloženo: 9. 6. 2023
Kategorie:  Chystané akce
Útvar: 96110 - Oddělení komunikace
Kontaktní osoby:  Ing. Karina Pešatová, MBA