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Highly Cited Researchers

The list of the world's most cited scientists is published annually by the American company Clarivate Analytics. The Highly Cited Researchers 2021 list includes about 6,600 scientists representing 1,300 institutions from 70 countries, including 24 Nobel Prize winners. These are the pioneers in their respective fields. Their research over the past decade has resulted in, among other things, high-profile publications that ranked in the top one percent of most cited papers in their field that year in the Web of Science database.

2021, 2020

Prof. RNDr. Radek Zbořil, Ph.D.

Prof. RNDr. Radek Zbořil, Ph.D.

Prof. Radek Zbořil is an expert in nanomaterials research at the Nanotechnology Centre, CEET. The physical chemist is one of the most cited Czech scientists. He has contributed to the development of a number of new materials derived from graphene. He was behind the discovery of the thinnest known insulator, non-metallic carbon magnets based on graphene, the first two-dimensional carboxylic acid, and unique catalysts at the level of single atoms. In addition to two-dimensional materials, he has also contributed to the development of a number of other low-dimensional nanosystems, such as one-dimensional non-metallic conductors or a new class of 0D carbon quantum dots for use in medical diagnostics and therapy.

The Werner von Siemens Award

The Werner von Siemens Prize is intended not only to motivate exceptional talent among students and researchers, but also to strengthen the positive relationship towards science between students and the general public, and, last but not least, to highlight the tireless work of teachers. In terms of its scope, financial rewards and tradition, the competition is one of the most important independent initiatives of this kind in the Czech Republic.


Ing. Stefan Grushko, Ph.D.

Stefan Grushko from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering won the award in the category “Best Graduate (Master‘s/Dissertation) Thesis” related to Industry 4.0 topics for his dissertation on Motion Planning For Manipulator In Dynamic Environment Using RGB-D Sensor.

doc. Mgr. Petr Kovář, Ph.D.

Petr Kovář from the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science won the Werner von Siemens Award 2021 in the category “Best teaching staff”. The expert jury appreciated his long-standing efforts to arouse enthusiasm for mathematics and complex mathematical questions among students.


Ing. Martin Kosinka

Martin Kosinka (ENET Centre, CEET) was awarded second place in the special category, Graduate Thesis in the field of Smart Infrastructure and Energy, for his thesis on Control System for V2H (Vehicle To Home) Systems.

Ing. Lenka Bardoňová a Mgr. Kateřina Mamulová - Kutláková, Ph.D.

Lenka Bardoňová was awarded third place in the category of the Best Thesis for her thesis Preparation of Nanofibrous Layers Containing Clay Minerals by Electrostatic Softening. The award was also shared with her supervisor, Kateřina Mamulová - Kutláková (Nanotechnology Centre, CEET).


Ing. Aleš Vysocký, Ph.D.

Aleš Vysocký from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was awarded first place in the category Best Graduate Thesis in topics related to Industry 4.0 for his thesis Robots Directly Cooperating with Humans. He triumphed in the competition which was entered by more than eight hundred graduates.

Ing. Tomáš Kiška

Tomáš Kiška was awarded second place in the Best Master‘s Thesis category for his work Cesium Promoted Co3O4 Catalyst Deposited on Ceramic Foam Support for Nitrous Oxide Decomposition.

The Joseph Fourier Prize

The Joseph Fourier Prize for Computer Science is awarded annually by the French Embassy in Prague in cooperation with Atos. The prize is awarded to doctoral students for their research in the field of computer science and informatics.


Ing. Martin Golasowski, Ph. D.

The third place in the Joseph Fourier Prize 2021 competition was awarded to Martin Golasowski from IT4Innovations at VSB-TUO. His intelligent navigation service using a supercomputer optimises transport and can be used for mobile applications or logistics systems.