A good academic or professional text builds on previous research and knowledge. So we need to learn to identify publications that are related to our topic. We learn to formulate keywords in different languages and to search databases. We also need to develop our ability to read and evaluate texts critically. It helps our own writing if we understand how different genres are structured and how they 'work', as genres can vary from discipline to discipline. Through research and study, we can identify which questions remain unanswered and deserve further exploration. Only then can we formulate research questions and/or hypotheses that are set in the context of previous and current research. Next, we learn to build on this research by referencing sources and paraphrasing. We choose different citation styles and methods to do this. In addition to the above activities, we learn to plan, create and give and receive constructive feedback on a text. Last but not least, we revise the text based on the feedback. In the case of research articles, we may need to learn how to devise a publication strategy, select appropriate journals, and communicate with editors and reviewers. We all have a lot to learn!!!