Lecturer: Mgr. Kamila Průšová
This workshop for PhD students provides useful hints and tips on how to write a grant application in English. Students learn about the differences between academic and grant writing and become familiar with the structure of a grant proposal. The workshop also introduces Horizon Europe's evaluation criteria related to the narrative of a grant proposal, highlighting key elements to consider when writing a grant application. It is an interactive workshop; students analyse texts and discuss their ideas.
· Writing a grant proposal versus writing a research article
· Tips for writing grant proposals
· Structure of a grant proposal
· Evaluation criteria
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGJEePiiOWykNfaX6j88V7uwiyxtD9FCQGBPBCrqnrxhCI5g/viewform?usp=header