Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU, a research institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the world’s leading applied research organisation headquartered in Germany, is a driver for innovations in the research and development of production engineering. Around 670 highly qualified employees at Fraunhofer IWU’s locations in Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig, Wolfsburg, and Zittau tap the new potential for competitive manufacturing in automotive and mechanical engineering, aerospace technology, medical engineering, electrical engineering, and precision and micro engineering. Fraunhofer IWU focusses on the development of efficient technologies and intelligent production plants for manufacturing components for car bodies and
powertrains and on optimizing the related forming and cutting manufacturing processes. As the leading institute for resource-efficient production, Fraunhofer IWU’s objectives comprise technologies based on renewable energies, utilising novel information technologies and visualisation methods for humans guaranteeing success in tomorrow’s factory.