What do we want to achieve?
To be a recognised centre of focussed research
The strategic objective of our focussed research is to improve quality in all aspects of the University’s activities, including publishing, and to strengthen the level of excellence in selected research topics. This is also linked to the development of international and interdisciplinary collaboration. Fulfilling these goals is essential for the University to become a respected partner for research and development, not only nationally but also internationally. The development of educational and motivational tools supports the production of quality publications by international teams of authors, the preparation of project proposals for international calls, and strengthens excellence in key areas of focussed research.
- Increasing the number of quality publication outputs
The intention is to produce high quality publications that will be seen as a natural and integral part of the work of academics and researchers. This includes further development of motivational and support tools, as well as linking publication performance to regular staff evaluations. Another objective is to intensify the media coverage of research and development results in order to present the topics addressed at VSB-TUO more effectively.
- Strengthening excellence in key areas of focussed research
VSB-TUO emphasises excellence in focussed research, whether by supporting authors of high-quality publications or research teams submitting project proposals to international calls. Financial support for exceptional teams is also an important motivational tool for building quality in key areas of research in selected topics.
- Development of interdisciplinary and international cooperation
The support of interdisciplinary and international cooperation in research is essential to strengthen the identified key areas and their competitiveness at national and international levels. The University is developing tools to support the submission of research projects, the management of R&D&I, and for pursuing contacts for future collaboration. At the same time, the aim is to emphasise active communication and promotion of participation in national and international frameworks.
- Strengthening the business potential of the University
The University supports the creation of outcomes with foreign patent protection, effective methods of commercialisation and the formation of new University spin-off companies. All of this contributes to the aim of becoming a visible and sought-after partner in the sphere of application.
- Building infrastructure for open science
In accordance with the priorities of the European Commission, in the area of open science (in particular open access to scientific publications and research data) and in conjunction with the implementation of open science principles in the national and international environment, VSB-TUO plans to build a functional infrastructure for open science so that the results of its research and development can succeed in a competitive environment at national and international levels. An essential component of fulfilling this objective is the involvement of the University in national and international activities that relate to open science.
To be an incubator for promising employees
The strategic objective is to build a comprehensive education system for the development of soft skills, mastering the principles of publishing, and other areas that form prerequisites for the successful career development of promising researchers. To this end, the PhD Academy was established to provide courses not only for PhD students but also for other researchers as part of lifelong learning.
Supporting activities lead to the development of skills of researchers and PhD students in the areas of publication, project work, and other areas that are important for building their scientific career and improving the quality of doctoral studies. The acquisition of these skills by young researchers will also be reflected in their scientific performance, which will have a positive impact on the whole University.
The full version of the Strategic Plan of VSB-TUO 2021-2027 can be downloaded here.