The objective of the Student Grant Competition is to increase and support the scientific research activities of students of doctoral and master's degree programmes, in cooperation with academic staff, to increase the quality and efficiency of scientific, technical, and educational work; to develop new interdisciplinary fields for doctoral and master's studies; to establish cooperation in these fields with foreign countries; and to support the publication of the achieved results. The Student Grant Competition uses earmarked funding for specific university research.
The Student Grant Competition for support of specific research projects for the year 2022 was announced by the Rector of VSB-TUO on 1st November 2021. The competition period started on 1st November 2021 and ends on 20th December 2021.
The competition is announced in accordance with Act No. 130/2002 Coll., with the support for research, experimental development and innovations from public funds, and the Rules for the Provision of Special Purpose Support for Specific University Research, approved by the Czech Government on 30th September 2019.
The project proposal must be submitted via the EPZ information system, and also in paper form with one original copy to the chair of the departmental committee of the relevant faculty.