Language English | German | French | Russian | Spanish
Professional English conversation for fields of study EU Administration | Finance and National Economy
Follow-up studies in the field of study Economics and Law | Company English
Foreign Language 1 (CJ 1) students select from five languages (E, G, F, R, S). The instruction is at the intermediate level and it is divided into semesters at the extent of 0-2. Classes begin in the winter semester (WS) of the 1st year, and the course is completed by passing the examination in the 2nd year with credit hour rating of 2-2-2. The condition for the beginning of classes in F, R, S as a foreign language is the enrollment of at least 7 students.
Foreign Language 2 (CJ 2) during the summer semester (SS) of the 1st year, students select another foreign language. Students must select a different language than the one that they study as CJ 1. It can be selected from the remaining four languages (E, G, F, R, S). These languages can be studied either at the elementary level (designated with the letter a) or the intermediate level (designated with letter b). For level (a) there is a rule that it can be selected if the student did not study it for more than two years in the previous studies, which is documented by the student at the beginning of the semester upon presentation of secondary school report (not only secondary school leaving certificate). The instruction is divided into three semesters at the extent of 0-2, it begins in the winter semester of the 2nd year and it is completed by being granted the credit in the WS of the 3rd year with credit hour rating of 1-1-1. At the more advanced level, the credit test can be taken after consultation with the teacher at the beginning of the semester in which the instruction takes place (no later than in the 4th week of instruction).
In the field of study EU Administration, one of the languages must be English Language (CJ 1 or CJ 2).
Credits for each semester are granted by the teacher whose tutorial the student attended in the particular semester. S/he is obliged to perform the specified written and oral assignments. 75 % attendance is required. To obtain the credit, the student has a maximum of one regular session and 2 retakes.
For the examination, it applies: one regular session and two retakes. If the student does not comply with retakes, s/he must repeat the course. After mastering the curriculum specified for the examination, the student can, after consultation with the teacher, take the exam at any time during the compulsory instruction.