Language English | German | French | Spanish
The instruction begins in the winter semester of the first year. It is divided into four semesters, at the extent of 0-2, and it is completed by passing the exam. Students are required to select one of four non-Slavic languages: E, G, F, S. It is recommended to continue studying the language they studied at secondary school.
Students must obtain a total of 4 credits and examination. In the full-time study, the instruction is designated as “foreign language b” with credit hour rating of 1-1-1-3 (students qualify for the examination by acquiring credits for all 4 semesters).
Credits for each semester are granted by the teacher whose tutorial the student attended in the particular semester. S/he is obliged to perform the specified written and oral assignments. 75 % attendance is required. To obtain the credit, the student has a maximum of one regular session and 2 retakes.
For the examination, it applies: one regular session and two retakes. If the student does not comply with retakes, s/he must repeat the course. After mastering the curriculum specified for the examination, the student can, after consultation with the teacher, take the exam at any time during the compulsory instruction.