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Fees for the issuance and renewal of student and employee identification cards.

Methods of payment

  • by credit card or cash directly at the Card Center
  • cashless via EPS ( using a credit card or bank transfer
  • univerzity cash desk (room A124) #
  • cash directly at the KC (only if the previous options are not available)

# - Proof of payment must be handed in at the Card Centre at the time of tapping the service. If you need the receipt, you must bring a copy of it with you. A KC staff member will verify the copy against the original. A copy of the receipt will then be left at the KC.

Issuing a card (discounted rates)


Z free - upon the establishment of an employment relationship or other relationship with the University
- after 5 years from card issue (card amortisation)
- after surname change
T 270,- CZK - upon the establishment of an employment relationship with the University (for academic staff only)
- after 5 years from card issue (card amortisation)
- after surname change
Az 270,- CZK - upon the establishment of an employment relationship with the University (only if you are not eligible for ITIC)
- after 5 years from card issue (card amortisation)
- after surname change


P free - when enrolling in a study program (1st year of bachelor's, full-time, combined or doctoral studies)
- after surname change
I 250,- CZK - when enrolling in a study program (1st year of full-time study)
- after surname change


250,- CZK - when enrolling in a study program (1st year of part-time study - there must be no entitlement to ISIC)
- after surname change

Issue a duplicate of card in case of loss, theft or damage

* 150,- CZK does't contain price of licence of card I, T, As and Az
* free - after surname change
- after 5 years from issue (card amortisation)

For I, T, As and Az cards, a new licence is not included (in the case of a new licence, the licence price is added, see below).

Card revalidation, ISIC, ITIC a ALIVE license

T, I, Az, As
250,- CZK digital revalidation
T, I, Az, As 250,- CZK licence (card duplicate)
P free digital revalidation

Integration with public transport card ODIS

* 50,- CZK additional functionality of card, only with new card

Keychain - Dongle

* 100,- CZK need to own a card, the availability of all services is not guaranteed


  • Z – identification card of VŠB-TUO
  • T – ITIC card (internetional teacher card) 
  • P – standard Student card
  • I – ISIC card (international student card)
  • As – ALIVE Student
  • Az – ALIVE Zaměstnanec
  • * – all types of cards