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VSB-TUO student dormitories offer for the academic year (AY) 2023/2024:

  1. student accommodation for the entire academic year 2023/2024 from September 2023 to June 2024
  2. winter semester and summer semester studies for International students
  3. summer accommodation (July - August 2023)

The new Accommodation price list is come in force from January 1, 2024, you can find the wording of the price list here.

Accommodation schedule and submission of Applications for accommodation for AY 2023/2024

  1. General information
  2. Schedule for accommodation in the AY 2023/2024

1. General information

Accommodation at VSB-TUO dormitories is provided to persons meeting at least one of the following criteria:

  • students of VSB-TUO (as well students on an internship, students of exchange program, e. g the ERASMUS program, etc.)
  • future students of VSB-TUO and within VSB-TUO they study the Czech language
  • students of other universities
  • employees of VSB-TUO

Other persons will be allowed accommodation only in case of free capacity of the dormitories. It is necessary to find out about the free capacity at the staff of the Accommodation office, e-mail: .

Accommodated who have signed a long-term contract that includes accommodation in the academic year 2023/2024 DO NOT apply for accommodation. These are, for example, contracts signed until 30.6.2024 or 31.8.2024.

Submission of Application for accommodation in VSB-TUO dormitories in the academic year 2023/2024

Each person interested in accommodation at VSB-TUO dormitories submits an online application for accommodation (hereinafter referred to as the "application") to the ISKAM dormitory information system. Students are allowed to have just one registration = 1 account in the ISKAM accommodation system during the entire length of their studies. An application form other than online will not be accepted. You can find the application procedure in the ISKAM manuals. For more information on requesting accommodation, see Applying for accommodation.

When submitting the application, the student (it only applies to students of exchange program, e.g. ERASMUS) chooses by ticking the appropriate box whether he wants to stay in the dormitories only during the winter semester (1st semester). If the box is not checked, it is assumed that the student will be in residence for both semesters.

Students with special requirements regarding accommodation for health reasons will contact the staff of the Accommodation office (hereinafter "AO") by the deadline for submitting the application, e-mail: Medical reasons must always be documented (medical report, card, etc.).

2. Schedule for the accommodation in the AY 2023/2024

A. Applicant for the accommodation from abroad (except students from the Slovak Republic) - staying at the VSB-TUO dormitory at the time of submitting the application

  • The application is submitted from 20.3.2023 to 15.5.2023 in the waiting list "Foreign student except Slovakia/Zahraniční student kromě SR 2023/2024".
  • The application can be submitted after 15.5.2023, but it will no longer be possible to book the same room where the applicant lived in AY 2022/2023.
  • The applicant who is interested in the same room as in AY 2022/2023 must stay in this room from the time of application until the end of application submission, i.e. until 15.5.2023.The room is automatically displayed when requested.
  • AO staff will approve the request from 16.5.2023.
  • If the same (preferred) room is no longer offered after the application has been approved, it is reserved for first-year students or for other operational purposes. In this case, you will make a room selection at the time of the "room selection", see point below.
  • The applicant is not entitled to the same room as in AY 2022/2023, but AO staff will try to comply with his/her request. For operational reasons, AO staff can change the reservation of the selected room.
  • Once your request has been approved ("Satisfied"), it is necessary to check if your room has been approved or if you have to choose a new room!
  • The room selection (in case the applicant does not book the currently room or the same room is not offered after the application is approved) will take place in person at the Accommodation office from 5.6.2023 to 9.6.2023
  • If the applicant cannot personally book a room for serious reasons, he/she can authorize another person to book the room. You can find the power of attorney form at
  • If the applicant wants to change the room later, he/she contacts the AO staff by e-mail at . The applicant DOES NOT CANCEL the application in ISKAM!
  • The roommate selection: Those applicants will agree with each other and choose the same room when choosing a room in the AO, thus they will have shared accommodation.
  • If you are interested in single accommodation, the applicant submits the "Request for maintaining free space in the room" no later than 15.5.2023, in person in the AO or in writing to the e-mail: . The applicant will receive a decision on granting the application no later than 25.8.2023.
  • Any written attachments to the application (eg medical report, card, etc.) must be sent to AO staff no later than 15.5.2023.
  • Applicants are allocated accommodation according to the date and time of application (priority will be given to those who have previously applied and paid the deposit). Accommodation services VSB-TUO reserves the right to allocate places according to the needs of VSB-TUO. Accommodation services VSB-TUO reserve the right to change the selected room in case of operational need.
  • The deposit of CZK 6,000 stays in the ISKAM system. Due to the increase in the amount of the deposit to CZK 8,000, the amount of CZK 2,000 must be paid within 14 days of submitting the application. The request will be satisfied only after payment of the entire amount of the deposit, see Deposit payment below.
  • The Housing contract must be electronically signed no later than 25.8.2023. 

Deposit payment

  • The deposit of CZK 6,000 stays in the ISKAM system.When submitting an application, the AO staff will transfer this amount to the reservation deposit. They will then prescribe a new deposit amount, i.e. CZK 8,000. You will then be asked to pay the amount of CZK 2,000, which must be paid within 14 days of submitting the application. The request will be satisfied only after payment of the entire amount of the deposit.
  • Make the payment through the EPS payment gateway in ISKAM and only after a request for payment of the amount of CZK 2,000 has been prescribed.
    • Important!!! It is necessary to wait for the request to be prescribed by the AO staff. In case of early payment, it may happen that the amount you send will cover another debt you have in ISKAM.
  • in cash or by bank card at the AO.

B. Applicant for the accommodation from abroad (except students from the Slovak Republic) - not staying at the VSB-TUO dormitory at the time of submitting the application

Winter semester

  • The application is submitted from 20.3.2023 to the waiting list „Foreign student except Slovakia/Zahraniční student kromě SR 2023/2024“.
  • When submitting the application, the student (it only applies to students of exchange program, e.g. ERASMUS) chooses by ticking the appropriate box whether he wants to stay in the dormitories only during the winter semester (1st semester). If the box is not checked, it is assumed that the student will be in residence for both semesters.
  • Applications will be satisfied from 1.7.2023 at the earliest according to the date and time of submission of the application to ISKAM and payment of a booking deposit (caution) in the amount of CZK 8,000. Preference is given to those with a paid booking deposit when allocating accommodation.
  • Room selection -  is only possible if the request is in the "Satisfied" status. The method of assigning rooms to foreign students (except students from the Slovak Republic) will be determined in the document "Decision regarding the accommodation" which will be sent after the application is approved.
  • If you were allowed to choose a room, you make it by logging in to the ISKAM system. In the "Accommodation" section, you open "Accommodation requests (waiting lists)" and you make a room reservation.

In some cases the room will be allocated by AO staff taking into account the requirements of the university management and the operational needs of the dormitories.

  • The roommate selection - Those interested will make an agreement with each other and when submitting an application - choosing a room, they will choose the same room, thus they will have shared accommodation.The applicant can also enter the surname and first name of the roommate in the "Additional requirements" field. 
  • If you are interested in single accommodation, the applicant submits the "Request for maintaining free space in the room" at the earliest from 1.10.2023, in person in the AO or in writing to the e-mail:
  • Any written attachments to the application (eg medical report, card, etc.) must be sent to AO staff on the day the applicant submits the application.

Summer semester

  • The application is submitted from 1.11.2023 to the waiting list „Foreign student except Slovakia/Zahraniční student kromě SR 2023/2024“.
  • Applications will be satisfied according to the date and time of submission of the application to ISKAM and payment of a booking deposit (caution) in the amount of CZK 8,000. Preference is given to those with a paid booking deposit when allocating accommodation.
  • Room selection - Only students which application will be approved can select the room in the ISKAM system from 5.1.2024 from 8 am. The method of assigning rooms to foreign students (except students from the Slovak Republic) will be determined in the document "Decision regarding the accommodation" which will be sent after the application is approved.
  • Roommate selection: Candidates agree among themselves and when choosing a room they choose the same room, so they will have a shared accommodation.
  • If you are interested in single accommodation, the applicant submits the "Request for maintaining free space in the room" at the earliest from 11.3.2024, in person in the AO or in writing to the e-mail:
  • Any written attachments to the application (eg medical report, card, etc.) must be sent to AO staff no later than 31.12.2023.

Deposit payment

  • No student will be accommodated without paying the deposit.
  • As the confirmation of serious interest in accommodation, the applicant pays the deposit within 14 days of submitting the application.
  • The amount of the deposit is set at CZK 8,000.
  • Make the payment through the EPS payment gateway in ISKAM

    Signature of the Housing contract

    • it must be electronically signed
    • approved applications by 31.7.2023 no later than 25.8.2023
    • approved applications from 1.8.2023 to 31.8.2023 no later than 3.9.2023
    • applications from 1.9.2023 no later than 2 calendar days after the decision on accommodation is accepted
    • application for the summer semester 2023/2024 no later than one day before the arrival at the dormitory but by the 29.2.2024.
    • You will find out about the assigned room when signing the contract.
    • It is not necessary to inquire about the allotted room before, we do not know it.

    In the event that you cease to be interested in accommodation, follow the instructions according to the document Decision regarding the accommodation.

    C. Summer accommodation (foreign student)

    • The application is submitted from 1.5.2023 to 31.5.2023 in the waiting list "Summer accommodation (foreign student)/Letní ubytování (zahraniční student)".
    • Applications will be satisfied according to the date and time of submission of the application to ISKAM and payment of a booking deposit (caution) in the amount of CZK 8,000. Preference is given to those with a paid booking deposit when allocating accommodation.
    • Room selection
      • Students accommodated at the dormitory choose the room in person in the AO (approximately 7 days before the start of the accommodation) or room will be assigned by AO staff according to the operational needs of the dormitories. In the case of applicants who are accommodated in dormitories until 30.6.2023, the AO staff will take into account their currently room.
      • New students - the room will be allocated by the Accommodation office staff taking into account the requirements of the university management and the operational needs of the dormitories.

    Deposit payment 

    • As the confirmation of serious interest in accommodation, the applicant pays the deposit immediately through the EPS payment gateway in ISKAM.
    • The amount of the deposit is set at CZK 8,000.
    • If the student lived until 30.6.2023, the deposit of CZK 6,000 stays in the ISKAM system. When submitting an application, the AO staff will transfer this amount to the reservation deposit. They will then prescribe a new deposit amount, i.e. CZK 8,000. You will then be asked to pay the amount of CZK 2,000, which must be paid within 14 days of submitting the application, however, no later than the date of entry to the dormitories (beginning of validity of the Housing contract for the summer months). The request will be satisfied only after payment of the entire amount of the deposit.
    • Make the payment through the EPS payment gateway in ISKAM. For those accommodated until June 30, 2023, the amount of CZK 2,000 is valid only after the request for payment has been prescribed.
      • Important!!! It is necessary to wait for the request to be prescribed by the AO staff. In case of early payment, it may happen that the amount you send will cover another debt you have in ISKAM.
    • No student will be accommodated without paying the deposit.

    Signature of the Housing contract

    • will be signed no later than the day of moving in the AO