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Theory of architectura and psychology

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code226-0306/02
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated4 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Compulsory
Level of Course Unit *Second Cycle
Year of Study *First Year
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredSummer Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionCzech
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
POC037Ing. arch. Jozef Počil
FRO04Ing. arch. Klára Palánová, Ph.D.
HRU44Prof. Ing. arch. Petr Hrůša
SLI0053Ing. arch. Filip Slivka
VOL0083Ing. arch. Lenka Volná
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course is designed to lead to gaining interest and knowledge in the field of aesthetics and theory of architecture. Above all, the students will get acquainted with theoretical questions that are based on extensive analyzes of world-renowned and our theoreticians. Great importance will be given to clarifying philosophical, ethical, psychological, sociological and demographic issues of architecture and urbanism.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
The course is designed to build on previously acquired knowledge in the field of aesthetics and theory of architecture and further developed. Students will learn the theoretical questions that are based on extensive analysis and our world-renowned architectural theorist. Great importance will be placed on clarifying the philosophical, ethical, psychological, sociological and demographic issues of architecture and urbanism.
Students will be able in the light of theoretical knowledge to analyze the specific architectural and urban environments and to understand the meaning of architecture and aesthetics in general.
Course Contents
1st Introduction to
2nd Instead, natural place, instead of man-made artificial
3rd Phenomenology of place, space structure
4th Genius loci, orientation, identification
5th Intentions in architecture, the existence, location and architecture
6th The purpose of architecture and aesthetics, cosmopolitan aesthetics
7th Cosmopolitan Architecture
8th The basic features of modern society
9th The social dynamics of modern society
10th Basic problems of modern society
11th Polls
12th Sociological Research
13th Stratification in modern society
14th Identity in a postmodern world
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
1. Zevi Bruno: Jak se dívat na architekturu, Československý spisovatel, Praha 1966
2. Frampton Kenneth: Moderní architektura, Kritické dějiny, Academia, Praha 2004
3. Morales - Ignasi de Sola: Topografie současné architektury-diference, Česká komora architektů, Praha 1999
4. Švácha Rostislav: Regionalismus-internacionalismus, (Výběr z literatury), Česká komora architektů, Praha 1999
5] Scruton Roger: Estetické porozumění, Barrister & Principal – studio, Brno 2005
6. Vopěnka Petr: Úhelný kámen evropské vzdělanosti a moci, Práh, Praha 2000
7. Rowe Colin: Matematika ideální vily a jiné eseje, ERA, Brno 2007
8. Ungersová Liselotte: O architektech - Životy, díla, teorie, Slovart, Praha 2004
9. Norberg-Schulz, Ch.: Génius loci, Dokořán, Praha 2010
10. Norberg-Schulz, Ch: Existence, Space and Architektur, London 1971
11. Mondrian Piet: Lidem budoucnosti- studie neoplasticismu, Triáda, Praha 2002
12. Rezek Petr: Fenomenologická psychologie, Jan Placák – Ztichlá klika a nakl. Filosofia, Praha 2008
13. Rezek Petr: Architektonika a protoarchitektura, Jan Placák – Ztichlá klika a nakl. Filosofia, Praha 2009
14. Zuska Vlastimil: Umění, krása, šeredno, texty z estetiky 20. století, Karolinum, Praha 2003
15. Čejka, J.: Tendence současné architektury, ČVUT Praha 1998
1. Zevi Bruno: Jak se dívat na architekturu, Československý spisovatel, Praha 1966
2. Frampton Kenneth: Moderní architektura, Kritické dějiny, Academia, Praha 2004
3. Morales - Ignasi de Sola: Topografie současné architektury-diference, Česká komora architektů, Praha 1999
4. Švácha Rostislav: Regionalismus-internacionalismus, (Výběr z literatury), Česká komora architektů, Praha 1999
5] Scruton Roger: Estetické porozumění, Barrister & Principal – studio, Brno 2005
6. Vopěnka Petr: Úhelný kámen evropské vzdělanosti a moci, Práh, Praha 2000
7. Rowe Colin: Matematika ideální vily a jiné eseje, ERA, Brno 2007
8. Ungersová Liselotte: O architektech - Životy, díla, teorie, Slovart, Praha 2004
9. Norberg-Schulz, Ch.: Génius loci, Dokořán, Praha 2010
10. Norberg-Schulz, Ch: Existence, Space and Architektur, London 1971
11. Mondrian Piet: Lidem budoucnosti- studie neoplasticismu, Triáda, Praha 2002
12. Rezek Petr: Fenomenologická psychologie, Jan Placák – Ztichlá klika a nakl. Filosofia, Praha 2008
13. Rezek Petr: Architektonika a protoarchitektura, Jan Placák – Ztichlá klika a nakl. Filosofia, Praha 2009
14. Zuska Vlastimil: Umění, krása, šeredno, texty z estetiky 20. století, Karolinum, Praha 2003
15. Čejka, J.: Tendence současné architektury, ČVUT Praha 1998
Recommended Reading:
16. Norberg-Schulz, Génius loci Odeon, Praha 1994
17. Norberg-Schulz, Intentions in Architecture, Oslo 1963
18. Norberg-Schulz, Existence, Space and Architectur, London 1971
19. Erazím, P. Kapitoly z psychologie tvořivosti, ÚVPS,Příbram 1985
20. Sedláková, M.Úvod do architekonické psychologie, VÚVA, Praha 1982
21. Schmeidler, K. Sociologie v arch. a urb. tvorbě, Brno 1997
22. Čejka, J. Tendence současné architektury, ČVUT Praha 1998
16. Norberg-Schulz, Génius loci Odeon, Praha 1994
17. Norberg-Schulz, Intentions in Architecture, Oslo 1963
18. Norberg-Schulz, Existence, Space and Architectur, London 1971
19. Erazím, P. Kapitoly z psychologie tvořivosti, ÚVPS,Příbram 1985
20. Sedláková, M.Úvod do architekonické psychologie, VÚVA, Praha 1982
21. Schmeidler, K. Sociologie v arch. a urb. tvorbě, Brno 1997
22. Čejka, J. Tendence současné architektury, ČVUT Praha 1998
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria
Task TitleTask TypeMaximum Number of Points
(Act. for Subtasks)
Minimum Number of Points for Task Passing
ExaminationExamination100 51