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Read about the news at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava.

Planetárium Ostrava slaví 45. narozeniny
17 February | Planetárium Ostrava, které je součástí Hornicko-geologické fakulty, v tomto roce oslaví 45 let od svého založení. Jako dárek pro všechny zaměstnance VŠB-TUO připravilo speciální...
Linking different lines of research is the most interesting and rewarding part of my work, says Professor Pumera
14 February | He is one of the most cited scientists in the world, has worked at prestigious universities abroad, has published more than 900 scientific papers that have received over 75,000...
Basic course - KNX partner certificate VŠB TU Ostrava
13 February | At VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava (FEI, cat. 450), KNX partner certification courses take place at the certified KNX training center.
Evropský projekt RAISING: Transformace těžebních regionů skrze osvětu a spolupráci
12 February | Další projekt z fondů Evropské unie, který se společně s partnery podařilo HGF získat z programu Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS-2024) je projekt s názvem RAISING - Raising...
A Series of Workshops For Researchers
11 February | Want to showcase your research, discover its commercial potential, and build valuable collaborations?
Swati Verma joins VSB-TUO to develop materials for environmental applications
11 February | Swati Verma became part of the Materials-Envi Lab (MEL) at the Nanotechnology Centre, CEET, VSB-TUO at the end of last year.
Photos from graduation ceremony
10 February | Graduation ceremony in 2025 is photographed by MgA. Jan Eliáš. Register for Alumni and get a 50% discount.
13th CzePoCat seminar is over
07 February | On Friday 7.2.2025 another year of the traditional Czech-Polish Catalytic Seminar took place, which this year was attended by over 60 Czech and foreign scientists.
HGF byla úspěšná v získání projektu
06 February | Společně s partnery z EU se podařilo získat HGF projekt z fondů Evropské unie z programu Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS-2024) s názvem Fire Risk Assessment and Management...
Advanced materials for environmental challenges and biomedical research
06 February | On 27 and 28 January, the Science Meetup MATUR 2025 workshop took place in the VŠB-TUO Auditorium, with the aim of sharing knowledge about advanced materials and their use in...
Advanced materials characterization enhanced by cutting-edge techniques
04 February | Researchers from the Materials-Envi Lab (MEL) at the Nanotechnology Centre of VSB-TUO leverage state-of-the-art microscopy and spectroscopic techniques to perform complex materials...
Potential for transformation of non-recyclable material as a source of clean energy
03 February | The new project, entitled: Waste as an alternative energy source, sees the prospect of using non-recyclable material that has considerable energy potential. Research teams from the...
The Energy Research Centre Has a New Director
03 February | As of 1 February 2025, Dr. Karel Borovec has taken over as the director of the Energy Research Centre (ERC). The centre has long been engaged in energy research and works with both...
Igor Ivan kandiduje na rektora
29 January | Je nám ctí oznámit, že AS HGF dne 29. 1. 2025 jednohlasně navrhl prof. Ing. Igora Ivana, Ph.D. jako kandidáta na rektora VŠB-Technické univerzity Ostrava pro funkční období...
Researchers from VSB-TUO get new laboratories and a test polygon for smart cars and mobile robots
29 January | Modern laboratories, workspaces, and a unique testing polygon for automated vehicle and mobile robotic systems will be established on the VSB-Technical University Ostrava campus,...
News from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
29 January | First issue of the IT4Innovations newsletter 2025
New project will support cooperation with the University of Strasbourg
25 January | The project entitled "Research of novel sustainable approaches for zeolites and hybrid zeolite-carbon structures synthesis for catalytic and sorption applications", whose principal...
9th International PhD Summer School, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
24 January | PhD Summer School provides the opportunity for intellectually curious doctoral students to explore new knowledge, expand cultural awareness, and exchange experiences.
New U!REKA website developed by Finnish students
24 January | U!REKA European University has a new website. This was needed to adequately reflect and communicate the increased activity within U!REKA.
Defect engineering in 2D materials has the potential to revolutionize heterogeneous catalysis
21 January | Recent advancements in hybrid porous materials and defect engineering, promising for various electrochemical and catalytic applications, were presented at the Materials-Envi Lab of...
Smart Factory lab gets new equipment
20 January | The Smart Factory laboratory in the CPIT TL3 testbed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer science at VSB-TUO will receive new equipment. Technological innovations...
Introducing U!REKA partners: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
20 January | The reading series about U!REKA partners continues. This time, the editorship of the university magazine Akademik will take you to our western neighbours, Frankfurt, Germany, where...
Announces a Competition for the best dissertations defended in 2024
17 January | VSB - Technical University of Ostrava within the consortium PROGRES 3 announces a Competition for the best dissertations defended in 2024. Applications up to 6.2.2025
Opening of the Light of the Tundra exhibition
16 January | The new Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the Czech Republic visited the Faculty of Mining and Geology
Czech Republic at the cutting edge of the quantum revolution. A unique study focused on quantum informatics is being prepared in Ostrava
13 January | Access to the latest technologies and a unique opportunity to enter the world of quantum computing will be offered to students by the FEECS in cooperation with the National...
The first battery trains hit the tracks
13 January | The methodology for the passporting of railway lines intended for trains with alternative drives defined a procedure enabling a quick and efficient analysis of the possibilities of...
We have a good chance of making a groundbreaking discovery, says a PhD student from the EBEAM Project
09 January | Ondřej Sakreida, a first-year PhD student at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO, has joined the EBEAM project team. Despite needing to balance his research...
08 January | Ten proběhl 8. ledna 2025 pod záštitou Katedry geoinformatiky HGF a Katedry městského inženýrství FAST a Popularizace vědy a techniky (Zlepši si techniku).
Analysis of the rheological properties of powder and nano-powder samples is crucial for the development of new nanostructured materials
08 January | On 4 and 5 December 2024, the international workshop "Rheological Characterization of the Powder Samples" was held at the VSB-TUO, CEET, Nanotechnology Centre in the Laboratory of...
Science and industry join forces in the new INOVO project!!!
02 January | With the financial support of the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Institute of Environmental Technologies (CEET, VŠB-TUO) is implementing a project called "Innovative...
Young scientists turn waste into energy: Revolutionary hydrogen production from the paper industry
22 December | We are pleased to announce that from January Petra Wojnarová will take on the role of Principal Investigator of the project "Regional and Sustainable Hydrogen Production from...
Best Researcher Award for Moniku Michalskou
21 December | Monika Michalská from the Department of Chemistry and Physico-Chemical Processes received a prestigious award for her contribution in innovative research.
Projekt CirkArena
20 December | Projekt CirkArena dostal v uplynulých dnech zelenou a jsme nadšeni, že HGF je jeho součástí.
The University of Wroclaw delegation visited HGF
17 December | This week, our Dean, Prof. Hana Staňková and faculty representatives welcomed Prof. Radoslaw Zimroz, the Dean of the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology at Wrocław...
Researchers describe the mechanism of the synthesis of boron-doped graphitic carbon nitride
17 December | Researchers from VSB-TUO have outlined the synthesis mechanism for boron-doped graphitic carbon nitride in a study published in Materials Today Chemistry. A team of experts, led by...
Podnikavý kreativec competition - results
17 December | We bring you the results of the EKF competition for secondary schools - the Podnikavý kreativec.
Discover the latest news from the National Supercomputing Centre IT4Innovations
16 December | Bringing you the best of the world of high performance computing
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava succeeds in two "green" rankings
16 December | VSB-TUO has once again been ranked in the QS WUR: Sustainability, evaluating universities based on their contributions to sustainable development. This year’s ranking includes...
Joint solutions for a sustainable circular economy
16 December | UrbanCircular Hack(athon) at Frankfurt UAS took place in November.
Politecnico di Milano: New collaboration in 3D printing, forming and materials characterization
13 December | The new collaboration with Politecnico di Milano will not only bring joint projects but also the involvement of Italian experts in teaching.
FEECS experts monitor air during metro construction
12 December | A team of experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of VŠB-TUO was involved in the construction project of the new D line of the Prague metro, where...
CEET Workshop 2024 – Inspiration for the Future
10 December | The fourth annual workshop of the Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET), held on December 9, 2024, at the Poklad Cultural House, introduced a completely new...
U!REKA Research Days pave the way to the future
09 December | From 3 to 5 December, the U!REKA Research Days took place at HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
A new method may enhance the evaluation of diffusion coatings for steel treatment
09 December | Researchers from the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre at VSB-TUO and the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT have introduced a novel methodology for...
Danieli: Innovation for a sustainable future
06 December | A visit to sustainable steel leader Danieli in Buttrio, Italy.
nter Borders 2024: A Milestone International Crisis Management Exercise
05 December | On December 4, 2024, the 10th joint exercise of students from FBI, VŠB-TUO, and the Department of National Security at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk took place.
Ceník Planetária a GP pro rok 2025
04 December
Artificial intelligence will help premature babies
04 December | The latest research by Ostrava scientists brings a major advance in the diagnosis and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. With the help of artificial intelligence, they are...
First U!REKA micro-credential programme starts in March
03 December | A new one-semester programme is on offer: Sustainability Coordinator.
First public U!REKA EduForum
03 December | On Thursday, 7 November 2024, we organised a public online educational conference, targeted towards educators and teaching-related administration of the U!REKA partner...
Watch the registration of U!REKA's got talent
02 December | Missed the livestream? Watch the recording of the live session with a panel discussion on 25 November 2024.
The article on quantum cryptography in 5G networks was one of the most cited
02 December | A great success was recorded by scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of VSB - TUO. Their article "Quantum Cryptography in 5G Networks: A...
MES ITI should make science and research more attractive not only for young students and scientists
27 November | On 25.11.2024 the long-awaited kick-off meeting of the MES ITI project Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Technologies took place in the auditorium of VŠB-TUO. One of...
ICOS+ International Congress of Outdoor Sports
27 November | The event will take place on June 25th , 26th , and 27th , 2025, in the city of Rio Maior, at the Sports Sciences School of Rio Maior – Santarém Polytechnic University, which is...
VSB - TUO strengthened cooperation with hospitals and universities in Vietnam
27 November | Representatives of VSB - TUO signed a memorandum confirming the continuation and deepening of mutual cooperation with Vietnamese institutions Ton Duc Thang University, Pham Ngoc...
FEECS students succeed in international drone competition in Vietnam
25 November | Students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer science of VŠB - TUO took home the bronze medal from Vietnam. Nine teams from five universities took part in the...
Scientists find inspiration for unique robot in nature
21 November | A robot developed by an international team of scientists from VSB - Technical University Ostrava, Mexico and the UK may find its application in challenging environments, logistics...
A new extractor was purchased for the Trace Analysis Laboratory (IET)
21 November | Within the framework of the project "Building laboratory capacities for the determination of microplastics in drinking, surface and waste water and in sediments and sewage sludge",...
Proběhlo jednání o snižování emisí metanu
20 November | Hornicko-geologická fakulta 20. 11. 2024 v Planetáriu Ostrava pořádala pracovní jednání na téma „Snižování emisí metanu“.
Introducing U!REKA partners: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
20 November | The series of articles on U!REKA partners continues. This time the editors of the university magazine take you to the north of Europe, to Helsinki, Finland, one of the partners of...
The prize from the Scientific Council was awarded to Kateřina Barnová from FEECS
15 November | The best publishing scientist (Junior Researcher) for the year 2023 was Kateřina Barnová from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FEECS). She received the...
Ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of VŠB-TUO 2024 became an important moment for CEET
14 November | On 14 November, a ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of the VSB-TUO was held. The event was not only an opportunity to forward diplomas to new associate professors and...
SMARTTEST will support PhD students' research projects
12 November | VSB - Technical University of Ostrava will participate in the unique SMARTTEST project, which brings together experts from several European universities. The aim of the project is...
Prestigious Award Building of the Year 2024: CEET Wins the National Centre for Construction 4.0 Award
12 November | This year's 32nd annual prestigious Building of the Year 2024 competition culminated in a grand gala evening at Prague's Rudolfinum. Amid strong competition from over a hundred...
7. ročník Technohraní v Mostě
11 November | V sobotu 9. listopadu proběhl v Mostě již 7. ročník Technohraní, soutěžního dne pro děti ve věku od 6 do 14 let. I letos si děti mohly na 20 stanovištích vyzkoušet nejrůznější...
Úspěšná návštěva děkanky HGF v Argentině
07 November | Děkanka Hornicko-geologické fakulty Hana Staňková, proděkan Václav Zubíček a prorektor Igor Ivan se vydali na oficiální návštěvu Argentiny, aby posílili a dále rozvíjeli naše...
Studenti IKSM ocenění Dobrým listem komory
07 November | Ve středu 6. listopadu 2024 proběhlo v Obřadní síni Magistrátu města Most udílení Dobrého listu komory studentům VŠ a VOŠ, působících v Ústeckém kraji.
FEECS Journal Club dedicated to the preparation of patents
05 November | Why is it important to protect inventions and how to avoid the most common mistakes when preparing documents for invention protection? Answers to more than just these questions...
U!REKA Vision and values
04 November | Common vision & values of U!REKA European University.
Deepening Cooperation for the Safety of Alternative Energy Sources
04 November | At VSB–Technical University of Ostrava, representatives from the Energy Research Centere CEET, the Faculty of Safety Engineering, and the Centre of Excellence for Safety Research...
Ferzom Ceramic - a collaboration between Faculty of Material Science and Technology and University of the Arts London
04 November | New opportunities for international cooperation in the field of material design are opening up for the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology.
CEETe wins two prizes in the Building of the MSK 2023 competition
01 November | On 31 October 2024, the prestigious competition Building of the Moravian-Silesian Region for 2023 was announced. The Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies Explorer won...
Works inspired by the graphic artist Vladimír Boudník
31 October | The centenary of the birth of the graphic artist and painter Vladimír Boudník will be commemorated by a new exhibition in the FEIKA Gallery at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering...
15. International Week at the Faculty of Economics
30 October | From 21 to 25 October 2024, the Faculty of Economics of VŠB-TUO organized the 15th International Week.
Workshop on energetic materials brings together scientists from VSB-TUO and Fraunhofer ICT
30 October | Scientists from VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and Fraunhofer ICT in Pfinztal recently came together for a workshop entitled Thermal Energy Storage and Energetic Materials....
Golden Graduation Ceremony 2024
29 October | For graduates of 1974
Skoda Auto managers visited the Technical University of Ostrava
25 October | The university presented innovative projects, activities focused on science and research or cooperation with industry to Skoda Auto representatives. The programme also included a...
Barrande Fellowship Programme - Launch of the 2025 call
25 October | The exchange mobility program for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France.
Exkurze a Zlatá promoce 2024
24 October | V říjnu si tradičně připomínáme 50 let od ukončení studia absolventů Hornicko-geologické fakulty, Hutnické fakulty a Fakulty strojní.
Services for testing AI solutions for enterprises are offered by the testing facility of the VSB-TUO
24 October | Companies developing new solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) now have a unique opportunity to obtain expert services with possible full funding support. This financial...
The publication introduces Industry 4.0 as a key tool for transformation
23 October | Not only the current state of the art, but also trends and visions in the field of Industry 4.0 are analysed in a new monograph written by a team of leading Czech experts in this...
The First Meeting of Energy Lab: A Key Platform for Knowledge Sharing and Advancing Towards Sustainable Technologies
23 October | As part of the REFRESH project, the first meeting of Energy Lab took place. It focused on sharing experiences and knowledge in the field of energy and technological innovations,...
Science, research and innovation: the FMT and LAB University of Applied Science join forces
21 October | The delegation from LAB University of Applied Science in Lahti, Finland, met with the management of our faculty and followed up on the May meeting in Finland.
Prof. Prof. Kamila Kočí from the Institute of Environmental represents the Czech Republic in the project Net4CleanAir: Network for Clean Air in Europe
19 October | On 18 October, the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the COST Action Network for Indoor Air Cleaning (Net4CleanAir) took place in Brussels.
Experts discuss the use of artificial intelligence
14 October | Inspiring lectures, discussions with experts and the opportunity to share their own experiences with artificial intelligence were offered to the participants of today's AI in...
Nový astronomický dalekohled v Planetáriu Ostrava
14 October | Od října se budou moci návštěvníci Hvězdárny v Planetáriu Ostrava podívat na oblohu novým přístrojem. Jde o největší dalekohled v České republice, který je určen k vizuálnímu...
VSB-TUO sustains global rank in THE World University Rankings 2025
10 October | VSB - Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) has successfully maintained its position in the 1201st-1500th range in the 2025 Times Higher Education World University Rankings...
Introducing U!REKA partners: Politécnico de Lisboa
10 October | The series of articles on U!REKA partners continues. This time, the editors of the university magazine Akademik take you to the south of Europe, to Lisbon, Portugal, one of the...
CNT has capitalized on a long tradition of research in 2D materials in two publications on modern M Xenes and MOFs
09 October | A group of experts from the VSB-TUO CEET Nanotechnology Centre, led by prof. Gražyna Simha Martynková, has been working for several decades in the field of natural and synthetic...
Meeting with the Minister at the International Industrial Fair
09 October | On Tuesday, 8 October 2024, Minister of the Environment Petr Hladík visited the stand of the Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Metrology of the Faculty of...
FEECS Journal Club focused on the evaluation of science and research
08 October | The tenth anniversary Journal Club at the FEECS focused on the topics of Bibliometrics and scientific performance evaluation.
Advanced analysis of grey water in cooperation with VODASERVIS s.r.o.
07 October | Last week, the cooperation between the research group Water Treatment and Analysis (Institute of Environmental Technology) and the company VODASERVIS s.r.o. within the Innovation...
Cooperation, Innovation and Sustainability: Key Challenges for the Czech Energy Sector
07 October | Scientists from research organisations, universities and innovation leaders in the field of modern energy came together again after a year to discuss partial achievements and...
1st place in the prestigious contest Phoenix Awards for the CEETe brochure
07 October | The internal marketing team of the VSB-TUO Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies CENET designed and produced a brochure that impressed the board of experts of the...
U!REKA Inclusive and Connected Campus kicked off
03 October | U!REKA held a two-day workshop in Helsinki, Finland, on 26–27 September 2024. In the workshop, colleagues from different partner universities discussed what kind of features...
FEECS presented itself at the electrotechnical exhibition
03 October | Visitors to the electrotechnical exhibition, which took place in Ostrava on the first two days of October, were introduced to the latest trends and technologies. This...
Workshop invitation
02 October | On 22.10.2024 a workshop will be held at the Institute of Environmental Technology before the end of the research project involving the research groups Biochemical Processes and...
VSB-TUO involved in helping people affected by floods
25 September | The floods, caused by the extreme rains, also affected the Technical University of Ostrava. In addition to operational issues, such as postponing the start of the semester, the...
Researchers from the Industry 4.0 & Automotive Lab presented their outcomes to date
23 September | Participants of the first Industry 4.0 & Automotive Lab (IAL) workshop for the REFRESH project, held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the VSB-TUO,...
Listening rooms get new equipment
23 September | A number of innovations await students in the winter semester, which began today at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of VSB-TUO. Due to the floods, the start...
Czech researchers help find new antiviral agents
23 September | Over the last ten years, we have seen several pandemics. The Zika, Ebola, flu, and COVID-19 pandemics have significantly impacted global health, the economy, and society. These...
Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between VSB-TUO and prominent Korean partners!
20 September | V pátek 20. 9. 2024 došlo k významné události pro budoucnost mobility za prezidentů účasti ČR a Jižní Koreji, ministrů obou zemí, vysokých státních úředníků, rektorů VŠB-TUO a VUT...
VSB-TUO researcher to explore efficient biomass conversion to biofuels with EU funding
20 September | The aim of the project, launched at the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava with support from the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European Fellowships program, is to develop...
After the holiday break, U!REKA Let´s Share Meeting took place
20 September | The Alliance of European Universities U!REKA, which also includes VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, organized LET´S SHARE MEETING after the holiday break.
Innovations in biofuel and ammonia production to come from recently launched MEL projects
18 September | The atomic engineering approach serves as the common denominator of two research initiatives stemming from the MSCA Fellowships CZ call under the Jan Amos Komensky Operational...
VSB-TUO and the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform set to feature at EXPO REAL in Munich
12 September | VSB - Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) and its Fraunhofer Innovation Platform (FIP-AI@VSB-TUO) will participate in the prestigious international trade fair, EXPO REAL...
Newsletter IT4Innovations
12 September | News from the National Supercomputing Center
Machine learning for performance modelling of high temperature coatings for steels
11 September | Scientists from the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB-TUO and the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT are investigating the potential of machine...
Introducing U!REKA partners: HOGENT
09 September | The editorial team of Akademik university magazine has prepared a series of articles for the winter semester: in several articles we will introduce the main and associated...
Information on the functioning of University Canteen in the new academic year
06 September | We would like to tell you how Menza works since 9.9.
PhD Academy has prepared a number of changes, selected courses will now also be offered to supervisors
02 September | The PhD Academy at VŠB-TUO brings many innovations in the coming academic year. New courses and workshops will be added, but now not only students but also current or aspiring...
Personal Changes at the Energy Research Centre
30 August | Information about a personnel change in the leadership of the Energy Research Centre
We have added two new devices to the CNT portfolio which help us with surface analysis of powder and solid samples
30 August | Laboratory of the powder and surface characterization has been upgraded with new equipments that allow us to analyze the surface potential of solid samples and provide dynamic...
VŠB-TUO has a representative in the Czech Society for Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Digital Technologies in Medicine
26 August | The Czech Society for Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Digital Technologies in Medicine (CSAIM) was established as a new professional society. Radek Martinek, Vice-Dean for...
Letní škola s Permoníky 2024
21 August | I letos se Katedra hornického inženýrství a bezpečnosti zvyšovala zájem dětí o budoucí studium techniky.
Innovation sanctified by experts from the peer-reviewed magazine
19 August | The scientific team from the Department of Machine Parts and Mechanisms published an article entitled "Modern Design of Carrier for Overhead Conveyor" in the prestigious journal...
New Sustainability-Focused Course for Educators: The BUP Teachers’ Course 2024-2025
13 August | A sustainability-focused course for higher education teachers, organized under the Baltic University Programme (BUP), will provide participants with practical tools for integrating...
Reduce carbon footprint but also the cost of imputs because of aluminium foil recycling
12 August | The energy savings for producing material from recycled aluminium can be up to 95 % compared to the energy required to produce aluminium from primary ore. It is not only for this...
An excellent Australian researcher joined the REFRESH project
12 August | Professor Seyedali Mirjalili, one of the most internationally recognized and highly-cited experts in Artificial Intelligence, has joined the REFRESH project team.
At the Nanotechnology Centre we see collaboration with business partners at Czech Republic and abroad as a key
09 August | The months of May and June were rich in trips by scientists of the Nanotechnology Centre. They went to several trips to partners working on collaborative projects in the Czech...
International Workshop on Methane Emission Reduction
06 August | On July 26, 2024, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava proudly hosted an international workshop dedicated to innovative technologies aimed at reducing methane emissions from coal...
Czech-German project to support e-mobility and the development of green cities
06 August | The GUMES (Green Urban Mobility EcoSystem) project aims to promote e-mobility as a key component of green cities. Since the beginning of this year, researchers from the Faculty of...
Students of the Secondary School of Chemistry completed a month-long internship in the laboratories of the Nanotechnology Centre
05 August | Students of the 3rd year of the Jaroslav Heyrovský Secondary School of Chemistry had the opportunity to complete their one-month internship in the laboratories of the Centre of...
The existing equipment of CNT laboratories was supplemented by a new machine FlexSEM 1000II from Hitachi
30 July | The equipment of our electron microscopy laboratories at the Nanotechnology Centre has been newly supplemented with a scanning electron microscope FlexSEM 1000II from Hitachi,...
KEI po roce opět na Štěrkovna Open Music
VSB-TUO improves in QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025
22 July | VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) has improved its position in the international QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 (formerly QS EECA). This year's edition...
VSB-TUO makes its mark again in the Leiden Ranking
22 July | For the second consecutive year, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) has been featured in the international CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024. The latest edition assesses the...
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has another faculty school
15 July | On the last Friday in June, students received their report cards at secondary schools. The Dean of the FME in Uherský Brod handed over another certificate with the designation...
Two new relaxation zones
12 July | There are new relaxation zones on the 4th and 7th floors of the building A.
EEA Grants-Powered Success: Czech and Norwegian experts unite in mining and education
10 July | We're thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our collaborative project Education and Collaborative Knowledge Sharing in Mining Industry and Processing funded by EEA...
Tour de Finland
08 July | Delegation of the management of the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology worked on university relations in Finland.
Software solution development enables efficient management of charging station systems for electric vehicle fleets
28 June | The cooperation of the ENET Centre, SMARTEV CDS s.r.o. and CDS CARS s.r.o. is creating analytical tools for an effective transition to electromobility, which will serve to develop...
Dr. Muhammet Deveci brought valuable advice for publishing on the FEECS Journal Club
27 June | The ninth FEECS Journal Club welcomed an exceptional guest – Dr. Muhammet Deveci, Principal Researcher and Visiting Professor at the prestigious Imperial College London. This...
Radek Zbořil Wins Prestigious Team Award for Scientific Contribution in Water Research
27 June | A prestigious international prize, the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW), awarded for outstanding scientific and technological contributions in...
Graduates, we have good news for you! Our faculty has set up an official LinkedIn page!
25 June | Our faculty has set up an official LinkedIn page. In order to stay connected and share news, opportunities, and successes of our alumni, we invite you to start following us.
Inspirational Visit from Australia: World-Leading Expert in AI and Optimization at FEECS Journal Club!
24 June | “From Passion to Promotion: Harnessing the Power of Research for Maximum Impact.” This was the theme of the eighth meeting of the FEECS Journal Club, where we were honored by the...
Formula TU Ostrava team presents its ninth model of racing car
24 June | Since September last year they have been diligently designing, testing, constructing and the result of their work was, as is tradition, presented at an event known as Rollout. The...
Why EBEAM and Ostrava? Mark Rümmeli explains in a video interview
20 June | VŠB-TUO has gained significant scientific reinforcement. Since January of this year, Professor Mark H. Rümmeli has been leading the EBEAM (Electron Beam Emergent Additive...
Covalent organic frameworks can play a key role in sustainable energy storage
19 June | The progress in the development of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and their applications in energy storage devices is summarized in a review article co-authored by scientists...
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava earns spot in the THE Impact Rankings 2024
17 June | In the THE Impact Rankings 2024, which evaluates universities based on their efforts to fulfill the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), VSB – Technical University...
We attended the SPASEC-27 and AOTs-28 conference
14 June | On 11-14 June 2024, colleagues from the Heterogeneous Photocatalysis and Heterogeneous Catalysis research groups attended the SPASEC-27 and AOTs-28 conferences held in Limassol,...
Scientific Writing Camp: Success of Team NanoExplorer
13 June | This academic year, the Scientific Writing Camp (SWC) also supported young researchers, their publishing activities, and above all mutual interdisciplinary collaboration. Its...
Participating in the 13th International Colloids Conference
10 June | On 9-12 June 2024, members of the Industrial Chemistry research group attended the 13th International Colloids Conference in Sitges, Spain.
International project Circular Solutions for Food Waste Retention in Central European Schools kicked off with a meeting
07 June | Colleagues from the research group Biochemical Processes Dr. Kateřina Chamrádová and Dr. Panagiotis Basinas participated in the Kick off Meeting of the international project...
U!REKA CONNECTS by VSB-TUO: Charity, charged and inspiring meeting
06 June | At VSB – Technical University Ostrava, the four-day international annual meeting of U!REKA CONNECTS ended today. It was attended by partners of U!REKA European University from...
VSB-TUO successfully maintains its position in the prestigious QS World University Rankings
06 June | VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) once again ranks among the top 1,500 universities globally. In the QS World University Rankings 2025, which evaluated a record 5,633...
Each of the visitors CNT´s stand at the Majales could try out tasks with a nanoscience theme and compete for a unique nanodrink
06 June | On 17 May a Majales organized by the initiative of the students' union took place in the premises of the Silesian Ostrava Castle.
Energy Evolution: Materials and Technologies of the Future
04 June | The research program focuses on the development of advanced materials for sustainable energy and environmental protection, integrating materials research with physics, chemistry,...
The unique Fraunhofer innovation platform celebrates its third anniversary
03 June | Over the past year, FIP has made significant progress, showcasing growing collaboration between VSB-TUO, Fraunhofer Institutes, and other partners through various events. These...
Visit from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
30 May | Today we had the honour to welcome colleagues from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen at the Institute of Environmental Technology.
IKSM na MiniTechnohraní
29 May | V sobotu 25. května 2024 se v Mostě na zahradě Domova pro seniory konalo Pohádkové MiniTechnohraní pro děti ve věku 4-7 let a jejich rodiče.
Slavnostní zakončení U3V na HGF
28 May | Ve středu 22. května 2024 se v aule VŠB- Technické univerzity Ostrava konalo Slavnostní zakončení 32. ročníku Univerzity 3. věku na Hornicko-geologické fakultě.
Nanotechnology Centre has two new excellent scientists in the field of materials research for advanced batteries
27 May | From 23 to 25 April, scientists from major foreign institutions visited the Nanotechnology Centre, where they are engaged in research and development of advanced Li-batteries and...
Congratulations to the 9 successful graduates of the course Technician of Electrical Equipment Diagnostic
27 May | After two intensive months we completed the course Technician of Electrical Equipment Diagnostics. And we have 9 successful graduates who takes away valuable information,...
Identification of microplastics in water and sewage sludge now easier with new FTIR microscope
24 May | One of the main topics of the research group Water Treatment and Analysis at the Institute of Environmental Technology is the study of microplastics.
On Improve Your Technology Day, we immersed primary and secondary school students in the world of nanotechnology
21 May | On 18 April, the doors of the auditorium of the VSB TUO opened, where the annual Improve Your Technology Day is traditionally held. The event was attended by pupils of all grades...
HGF se účastnila setkání s velvyslanci
21 May | Vedení fakulty jednalo o oblastech možné spolupráce v Kazachstánu a Panamě.
VŠB-TUO and ESN launch project “Flea Market & Food Collection” for students at colleges
20 May | VSB – Technical University of Ostrava is launching the "Flea Market & Food Collection" project in collaboration with the Erasmus Student Network.
VSB-TUO is among the top 2000 universities in the world according to the CWUR 2024 ranking
20 May | VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) has once again been featured in the international rankings by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), published this May....
International Scientific Advisory Board met for the first time at VSB-TUO
16 May | The first meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Board of VSB-TUO took place at the Technical University of Ostrava from 15 to 17 May 2024.
HGF nadále navazuje spolupráci ve světě
15 May | V uplynulých týdnech navštívili zástupci HGF univerzity v Indonésii a Ázerbájdžánu.
Chinese delegation of Sinexel, Pylonetch and Schneider Electric representatives met at the CEETe technical polygon
14 May | For the accumulation of electricity in the CEET building, which is mainly generated from renewable sources, the ENET Centre uses technology from Pylontech, for the accumulation of...
Dr. Holesova's team from the Nanotechnology Centre has developed a unique polycaprolactone film that will bring change not only in the field of pharma
13 May | Currently, one of the major challenges and topics in the field of pharmaceuticals is the problem of increasing incidence of resistant microbial infections. This could be solved by...
4 research objectives, 1 goal. The prestigious MATUR project aims to reduce the energy intensity of industrial production
06 May | To succeed in challenge like this, we cannot limit ourselves to energy transformation and sustainability. It is equally important to devise approaches and materials to ensure that...
Geologické kladívko 2024
30 April | 14. ročník geovědní soutěže GEOLOGICKÉ KLADÍVKO 2024, která je určena studentům středních a žákům základních škol, se uskutečnil na Geologickém pavilonu 26. dubna 2024.
Scientific Writing Camp attracted PhD students, including international ones, from all faculties
25 April | Higher interest from PhD students, PhD students from all faculties at the Scientific Writing Camp (SWC), international students as well as an international mentor - these are some...
The PhD Academy has brand new classrooms
22 April | New premises in the vicinity of the Central Library are available to the PhD Academy at VŠB-TUO. The rooms will be used for courses and other activities of the PhD Academy, which...
U!REKA rectors discussed the EU´s climate goals in Brussels
19 April | U!REKA European University alliance’s rectors met in Brussels on 15-16 April 2024 to address the alliance’s shared goals and actions for accelerating the European path to...
SPŠS Ostrava na HGF
18 April | Měli jsme tu čest přivítat 130 studentů Střední průmyslové školy stavební Ostrava.
German-Czech meeting connects academics and companies
18 April | The first German-Czech meeting, held on 11 April 11 at the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre, successfully facilitated connections between German and Czech companies and...
Exploring strategies to meet growing demand for minerals: Workshops announced.
16 April | We are pleased to announce a series of workshops that will be held as a part of the BILATERAL INITIATIVES EEA and NORWAY GRANTS 2014-2021.
FIP Management receives recommendations from Advisory Council
15 April | The annual meeting of the Advisory Council of the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Applied Artificial Intelligence in Materials & Manufacturing at VSB - Technical University of...
Interview with Director of the Nanotechnology Centre
15 April | prof. Ing. Gražyna Simha Martynková, Ph.D. - "The Nanotechnology Centre is a dynamically evolving institution with an exceptional scientific range from fundamental research to...
NanoLumCat Ostrava Attracts World’s Leading Nanomaterials Scientists
08 April | ‘NanoLumCat Ostrava–Revealing the Future of Light Transformation’ has brought together leading materials scientists from Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, China, the Czech...
Společnost UNICORN SYSTEMS a HGF navázaly úspěšnou spolupráci!
02 April | Na nedávném setkání vedení naší fakulty se zástupci společnosti UNICORN SYSTEMS bylo vzájemně dojednáno, že obě strany budou pracovat na prohloubení spolupráce.
Česko-slovenská spolupráce v seniorském vzdělávání na univerzitách
27 March | Ve čtvrtek 21. března 2024 se na Geologickém pavilonu prof. Pošepného Hornicko-geologické fakulty VŠB-Technické univerzity Ostrava konalo jedno ze setkání koordinátorů,...
A prestigious project of the European Innovation Council aims at the development of a new generation biofuels
26 March | An innovative approach for the production of advanced biofuels, which responds to the global demand for sustainable energy and reduces dependence on fossil fuels, is to be the...
Setkání fakultních škol HGF
26 March | Dne 26. března 2024 proběhlo v Planetáriu Ostrava setkání fakultních škol HGF s vedením fakulty.
Známe nejlepšího pedagoga HGF
22 March | Vyhlášení vítěze ankety Nejlepší pedagog fakulty
Mentoring program focused on EdTech and AI – last 2 places!
22 March | Mentoring program focused on EdTech and AI – last 2 places!
Scientific Writing Camp will once again promote interdisciplinary collaboration among PhD students
15 March | The Scientific Writing Camp (SWC) will support early-career researchers, their publishing activities, and above all mutual interdisciplinary collaboration again this academic year....
Spolupráce mezi HGF a Vietnamem
14 March | Proděkan pro rozvoj a spolupráci s průmyslem prof. Jan Nečas včera na naší fakultě přivítal delegaci z Vietnamu, vedenou představiteli z Dong Nai Technology University.
EBEAM Project Joins Prestigious DSL2024 Conference in Barcelona
12 March | The EBEAM project will join the 20th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2024) held in Barcelona, Spain from 24-28 June 2024.
EBEAM Project Joins Prestigious DSL2024 Conference in Barcelona
12 March | The EBEAM project will join the 20th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2024) held in Barcelona, Spain from 24-28 June 2024.
Internship in Protolab
11 March | He found himself in Ostrava by coincidence, but he came twice. The first time he was brought here in 2022 by the Erasmus programme, the second time he went to the Faculty of...
KESR rozvíjí spolupráci v Amsterdamu
07 March | Návštěva členů Katedry ekonomiky a systémů řízení na Amsterdam School of International Business.
FIP at VSB-TUO received praise from the Supervisory Group and a number of recommendations for further development
05 March | An evaluation of the performance and proposals and recommendations for the next period were the content of the meeting of the members of the Supervisory Group of the Fraunhofer...
Dean Čep's second term begins
01 March | On the first of March, the second "four-year term" of the current management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VSB-TUO, headed by Dean Robert Čep, starts. What changes is...
The REFRESH project and Fraunhofer representatives meet to discuss next steps and collaboration
29 February | Representatives from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the newly launched REFRESH project met on Wednesday at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava to share research findings,...
Autonapůl - benefits for employees, students and graduates
23 February | You don't have to own a car, you just can to share it - all easily, online.
An international team of scientists from Oxford and VŠB-TUO described the methodology of neural networks based on electrochemistry.
20 February | A collaboration between the University of Oxford and the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology at VŠB-TUO has resulted in an innovative article published in Angewandte Chemie...
Strengthening international cooperation: the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in India
20 February | Representatives of the management of the faculties visited renowned universities in India and also the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi.
Invitation to the ICCT 2024 International Conference
01 February | The Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry is organizing again this year the international chemical-technology conference.
Registration for PhD Academy courses and workshops is now open
31 January | Registration for the PhD Academy courses in the new semester will open on 1 February. PhD students can again choose from a wide range of courses and workshops by lecturers from...
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has new 3D printing technology
22 January | Before the Christmas holidays, the Department of Mechanical Technology acquired a new robotic laser device for its inventory. The LMD (Laser Metal Deposition) technology, or the...
Machine learning helps develop protective coatings for steel materials
18 January | Scientists from the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB-TUO and the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT are currently working on the integration of...
An international collaboration will result in a prototype thermal energy storage system
17 January | Another outcome of the collaboration between VSB-TUO and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the NewHeatIntegrated project. This initiative focuses on advancements in thermal energy...
Security measures at VSB-TUO following the tragic shooting at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University
05 January | Security measures at VSB-TUO following the tragic shooting at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.
First meeting of the International Scientific Council of the MATUR project
04 January | At the end of last year, the first meeting of the International Science Advisory Board (ISAB) for the MATUR - Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development project took...
PF 2024
21 December | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
10th year of the robotics conference hosted by VŠB-TUO
19 December | The beginning of December was dedicated to a scientific conference for the Department of Robotics, which brought together Master and PhD students in robotics across Czech...
VSB-TUO is included in the global sustainability ranking
11 December | A total of ten Czech universities made it into the QS Sustainability Ranking 2024, marking an increase of six from the previous year. Among the newcomers is VSB – Technical...
It was a success. The innovation by FS experts is already working in practice
11 December | Better efficiency and greater savings in the context of operation and maintenance are promised at Maxion Wheels after experts from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering helped them...
CEET Workshop brought a summary of successes and a few surprises
08 December | E pluribus unum, meaning one out of many or the unity in diversity. This proverb became the motto of the third Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) Workshop at...
Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering successfully participated in an international workshop in Gliwice
06 December | In the autumn of this year, students mainly from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VSB-TUO actively participated in an international workshop called Global Capstone Design...
Robert Čep continues as Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
05 December | The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering today confirmed by its election the continuation of the current dean in office. Professor Robert Čep was the only...
Gold medal for cooperation with a Vietnamese university
14 November | The cooperation between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering VSB-TUO and the Ton Duc Thang University in Vietnam has been successfully developing for several years, which was...
A microporous adsorbent of harmful substances can be prepared from scrap tyres
14 November | In their new study, CEET researchers have presented a way to turn waste into a useful product.
Meeting with the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Vietnam
03 November | Representatives of the management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VSB-TUO met with His Excellency, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Vietnam Hynek Kmoníček during...
Newcomers got a chance to compete at the robot competition in Poland
31 October | After a demanding competition in the USA, the RoverOva team set off for a traditional racing tour in Kielce, Poland. With their mobile robot, the students did not achieve the...
Medal for successful cooperation for Polish colleagues
23 October | There has been a long-standing cooperation between experts from the Department of Mechanical Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and their counterparts at the...
The Fraunhofer innovation platform makes debut appearance at the Business2Science conference
23 October | Representatives of the Fraunhofer innovation platform participated in the Business2Science conference organised by the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre on 19 October. Vladislav...
VSB-TUO showcases Energy in Transition - Powering Tomorrow travelling exhibition: a glimpse into the future of energy
18 October | The Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) at VSB-TUO is making a significant contribution to energy transition and sustainability.
The last and most prestigious race was managed by the formula team with honour
11 October | The Ostrava Formula team finished the racing season by participating in the most prestigious Formula Student competition in Germany. "Qualification alone is a great success. We...
Battery development and testing on internship in Turkey
06 October | CNT scientists, as well as PhD students in nanotechnology study program, are working with their colleagues in Turkey to develop safer battery prototypes.
University delegates return inspired and with collaborative ideas after visiting Fraunhofer ICT
06 October | In late September, the Rector's College visited the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT in Pfinztal, Germany, a valued partner of the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform...
Interview with Ing. S. M. Shar-Atul Hasan BSc
05 October | Mr. Hasan graduated 2023 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
VSB-TUO has improved its position in the THE World University Rankings
03 October | This year, despite the competition and an increased number of participating institutions—1904 universities from 108 countries, over 100 more than the previous year, VSB – Technical...
Research of the Nanotechnology Centre presented at NanoCzech Liberec 2023
02 October | The NanoCzech Liberec 2023 conference, the first edition of which took place on 27 September, offered a meeting place for nanotechnology companies and interest organisations,...
VSB-TUO including Fraunhofer Innovation Platform will participate in the Business2Science conference
20 September | The Business2Science conference organised by the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava on 19th October, will feature panel discussions, case studies, pitch-deck sessions, and...
Formula won bronze in the discipline and 11th place overall
07 September | For the second race of the season, the Formula TU Ostrava team went to Hungary, to the famous Hungaroring. In the competition of 22 teams from all over the world, the Ostrava...
The MATUR project has completed its first meeting with representatives from research teams.
07 September | The first meeting of the representatives of the MATUR project research teams, which received support from the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme in the Top Research Challenge,...
Continuous in situ measurement of photocatalytic efficiency of powder materials in liquid dispersions by optical absorption method
06 September | Scientists from the CEET Nanotechnology Centre presented a new way to measure the photocatalytic activity of nanomaterials at the 15th European Congress on Catalysis.
VSB-TUO is wow
22 August | DVOŘKA. You may remember this nickname from the Ostrava hockey derby because Michal Dvořák, a graduate of the Faculty of Safety Engineering, had a large fan base there.
Social Security at VSB-TUO
18 August | Have you come across the term “social security”? I do not think anyone could define it, but I am sure everyone can think of a feeling. And that feeling should definitely be...
Elite Project Enables VSB-TUO Scientists to Develop Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development
10 August | VSB - Technical University of Ostrava has succeeded in the prestigious Johannes Amos Comenius Programme (P JAC). With a grant of CZK 464 million, scientists led by the the Faculty...
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava makes its first appearance in the CWTS Leiden Ranking
27 July | For the first time ever, VSB-TUO has made it into the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2023. The latest edition evaluates the scientific performance of over 1,400 universities from 72...
ExPEDite: Smart grids and energy effectiveness for future
25 July | Scientists from Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava acquired significant project named ExPEDite. This project focused on...
The analytical thinking I acquired during my studies is invaluable in other fields as well
20 July | Jiří Machač is a proud graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. How did a graduate mechanical engineer come to organize a folklore festival? He answered in an interview!
ERA Chairs project led by Mark Rümmeli will bring groundbreaking research and a new team
18 July | Renowned materials scientist, Mark H. Rümmeli, is set to establish an international research team at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) to utilise electron beams to...
The final conference of the aLIFEca project will take place in October
11 July | If you are interested in life cycle assessment and green automotive, do not miss Final Conference aLIFEca organised within project aLIFEca in Congress Centre, Prague on 17th of...
Cyber harassment is increasingly common today
10 July | We interviewed Tomáš Velička, director of the Primary Prevention Counselling Center in Ostrava, who has long been involved in the topic of sexual harassment.
The American experience of the RoverOva team: words of success and disillusionment
07 July | A seven-member delegation of the RoverOva student team recently returned from a prestigious competition in Utah, USA. They won a nice 18th place with their mobile rover in the...
Collaboration within the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform is now also highlighted in the newsletter
03 July | The Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Applied Artificial Intelligence for Materials and Manufacturing at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (FIP-AI@VSB-TUO), a partnership of...
People will do to me what I will allow them to do
03 July | Inappropriate behaviour or discrimination is also dealt with at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava by the University’s ombudsman, Lenka Pavelková.
VSB-TUO researchers respond to demand for sustainable geothermal energy
28 June | How to extract energy from the rock environment beneath the Earth's surface and utilise it, for example, for heating buildings? Scientists at VSB-TUO have been working on this...
The PhD Academy has had a successful year, showcasing its achievements both domestically and internationally.
28 June | Although the PhD Academy of the VSB-TUO is just concluding its second year, some of its events have already established a new tradition. Throughout this academic year, the unique...
The foundations of personal morality should be unchanging
26 June | Since the end of last year, the Ethics Commission of VSB-TUO has been working in a new composition, and its chairperson is Associate Professor Hana Ovčačíková from the Faculty of...
The National Centre for Energy has been evaluated as outstanding
21 June | The National Centre for Energy project was assessed as outstanding in the final opposition procedure. The opponent committee particularly appreciated the originality and novelty of...
Academic writing expert Dana Driscoll shares her experience in a series of workshops
20 June | Academic writing expert and director of the Jones-White Writing Centre at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Dana Lynn Driscoll, will once again share her expertise with...
A meeting of experts at the Moravian-Silesian regional office on the topic: Hydrogen
16 June | On Wednesday, 14 June 2023, an important meeting of experts took place at the office of the Moravian-Silesian Region. Its main topic was hydrogen.
Global Startup Camp 2023 has its winners
16 June | At the end of May, the Department of Applied Mechanics in cooperation with the Technical University of Korea organized an event called Global Startup Camp 2023. Six teams...
International Webinar aLIFEca
15 June | On 13 June 2023 consortium of the project aLIFEca coordinated by ENET Centre, CEET VSB – Technical university of Ostrava arranged International Webinar aLIFEca where the topic of...
Artistic founders work on the VSB-TUO insignia
15 June | Artistic founders from the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology are working on a large commission for the University: in addition to the bronze plaque that will be awarded...
VSB-TUO showcases cutting-edge research, collaborations, and services for PhD students at the Science Fair 2023
12 June | VSB-TUO took part in this year's Science Fair organised by the Czech Academy of Sciences. The University representatives offered a wide range of activities, including experiments...
Fraunhofer Innovation Platform celebrates two years of its existence
07 June | The Fraunhofer Innovation Platform FIP-AI@VSB-TUO is marking its second anniversary with a series of accomplishments. Over the past two years, FIP-AI@VSB-TUO has submitted 16 joint...
The FIP Academy's fruitful journey: eight webinars fostered knowledge exchange this academic year
06 June | The FIP Academy's eighth webinar concluded programme with expert speakers – Clemens Possel from the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology and Michal Kravčenko from the...
Double victory in the Czech Industry Challenge for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
06 June | This year's fourth edition of the prestigious Czech Industry Challenge was successful for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VSB-TUO. Both applications submitted to the...
The Nanotechnology Centre's astonishing journey; former director applauds its progress
23 May | Pavla Čapková, a materials scientist at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, has a professional connection to VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO). She...
Student design competition knows its winners
22 May | The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has held another student competition, which this time tested the design skills, knowledge of the field and the ability to work in a team among...