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Find contacts for individual VSB-TUO staff. Internal users can make use of an extended phone book on InNET.

  • 9000 - Rector's section
    • 713 - Institute of Physical Education and Sports
    • 900 - Accounting point for the Rector's Office
    • 9004 - Legal Department
      • 9560 - Public procurement
    • 9005 - Inspection and Internal Auditing
    • 908 - Academic Senate
    • 909 - University trade union
    • 9900 - Rector's Office
      • 9910 - Rector's Secretary's Office
      • 9920 - Public Relations
        • 9921 - Popularization
  • 9100 - Vice-Rector for Strategy and Cooperation
    • 9110 - Office of Vice-Rector for Strategy and Cooperation
    • 9701 - Business Centre VSB-TUO
    • 9710 - Project Support Centre
    • 9720 - Technology Transfer Centre
    • 9730 - Career Centre
  • 9200 - Vice-Rector for Study Affairs
    • 9210 - Office of Vice-Rector for Study Affairs
    • 9220 - Department for Education
    • 9230 - University International Office
    • 9240 - Counselling Centre
    • 9260 - Lifelong Learning Centre
    • 9270 - All-University Departments
      • 711 - Department of Social Sciences
      • 712 - Institute of Languages
  • 9300 - Vice-Rector for Science and Research
    • 9310 - Office of Vice-Rector for Science and Research
    • 9311 - Strategic Analysis Department
    • 9312 - Open Science & Publishing, Open Science Journal
    • 9313 - Fraunhofer Innovation Platform
    • 9314 - Writing Support Centre
    • 9320 - Science and Research Management and the PhD Academy
    • 9830 - Central Library
  • 9390 - Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies
    • 9340 - Energy Research Centre
      • 9341 - Innovation and Safety
      • 9342 - Applications for Industry and Municipalities
      • 9343 - Technologies for Environmental Protection
      • 9344 - Modern Heating Systems
      • 9345 - Project administration
    • 9350 - Institute of Environmental Technology
      • 9351 - Biochemical Processes
      • 9352 - Heterogeneous Photocatalysis
      • 9353 - Material Preparation and Waste Valorization
      • 9354 - Heterogeneous Catalysis
      • 9355 - Industrial Chemistry
      • 9356 - Waste to Energy
      • 9357 - Water Treatment and Analysis
      • 9358 - EBEAM
    • 9360 - CNT - Nanotechnology Centre
      • 9361 - Advanced Nanomaterials Lab
      • 9362 - Materials-EnviLab
      • 9363 - Nanotechnology and Materials Structure Lab
      • 9364 - Servis and Contractual research Lab
    • 9370 - ENET Centre
      • 9371 - Thermochemical and Hydrogen Conversion
      • 9372 - Energy By-products
      • 9373 - Bulk Materials
      • 9374 - Smart Grids
    • 9391 - CEET's secretary's office
  • 9400 - Vice-Rector for Quality and Investment Construction
    • 9012 - System of Quality Management
    • 9410 - Office of Vice-Rector for Quality and Investment Construction
    • 9420 - Investment construction
    • 9430 - University Museum
    • 9440 - Expert Institutes
  • 9500 - Bursar
    • 9510 - Bursar's Office
    • 9515 - Facility Management Department
      • 9550 - Technical Operations Office
        • 9551 - Mail room
        • 9553 - Maintenance Centre
          • 9554 - Transport Centre
        • 9556 - Operating services
          • 983 - Sports halls
        • 9558 - Cleaning services
        • 9559 - Assembly hall operation
          • 988 - Assembly hall
        • 986 - Recreation Centre in Lučina
        • 989 - Vesmír
      • 9570 - Energy
        • 9571 - Energy management
      • 9940 - Security Service
        • 9552 - Health and safety
        • 9555 - Guard Service
        • 9572 - Fire prevention
    • 9520 - Economy and Finances
      • 9521 - Chief Economist
        • 9522 - Economics Department
        • 9523 - Additional activity
        • 9524 - Cash service
      • 9525 - Chief Accountant
        • 9526 - General and economic accounting department
        • 9528 - Inventory taking
        • 9529 - Property records
    • 9530 - Personnel Office
      • 9533 - Personnel and Payroll Department
    • 9540 - Property and Investments
    • 9580 - BIM Department
    • 9590 - Accommodation and Catering Services
      • 91511 - Director's Office - Economist
      • 91514 - Maintenance section
        • 91515 - Maintenance Centre
      • 91516 - Hotel accommodation
        • 91517 - Hotel restaurant
      • 9152 - Accommodation services
        • 91522 - Dormitory of University, Poruba
          • 91523 - Building A
          • 91524 - Building B
          • 91525 - Building C
          • 91526 - Building D
          • 91527 - Building E
          • 91528 - Store of laundry
      • 9153 - Catering services
        • 91531 - Students' canteen
          • 91532 - Serving hatch FBI
          • 91533 - Serving hatch FAST
          • 91534 - Kitchen
        • 91544 - Buffets
          • 91530 - Cafeteria at the Faculty of Economics
          • 91535 - Cafeteria Poruba
          • 91536 - Cafeteria A
          • 91537 - Cafeteria 8 auditorium
          • 91538 - Cafeteria 6 Building C
          • 91539 - Pizzeria
          • 91540 - Café, Building D
          • 91541 - Buffet FAST
          • 91542 - Buffet FEI
          • 91543 - Buffet FBI
  • 9600 - IT4Innovations
    • 96110 - Communication Department
    • 96120 - Public Procurement Department
    • 96130 - Office of the Chief Economist
    • 96140 - Administrations and Operations Department
    • 96150 - Development Department
    • 96200 - Research and Development
      • 96210 - Advanced Data Analysis and Simulations Lab
      • 96220 - Infrastructure Research Lab
      • 96230 - Parallel Algorithms Research Lab
      • 96240 - Modelling for Nanotechnologies Lab
      • 96250 - Quantum Computing Lab
      • 96260 - Training and Education Department
    • 96300 - Supercomputing Services
      • 96310 - Division of HPC Operation and Management
      • 96320 - User Support Department
  • 9800 - CIS - Information Services Centre
    • 9810 - CIS Director's Office
    • 9840 - Editorial Centre
    • 9850 - University Archive
    • 9870 - CIT - Centre for Information Technology
      • 9871 - Department of Information Systems
      • 9872 - Department of IT Infrastructure
      • 9873 - Audio-Visual Services
  • EKF - Faculty of Economics
    • 100 - Faculty of Economics - Dean's Office
      • 100a - Faculty of Economics - Dean's administrative office
      • 101 - Study Office
      • 102 - Finance Office
      • 715 - Separate unit ATEBS VM
    • 105 - Computer Science Laboratory
    • 114 - Department of Economics
    • 115 - Department of Management
    • 116 - Department of Marketing and Business
    • 117 - Department of Accounting and Taxes
    • 119 - Department of Law
    • 120 - Department of International Economic Relations
    • 151 - Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics
    • 152 - Department of Business Administration and Law
    • 153 - Department of Public Economics
    • 154 - Department of Finance
    • 155 - Department of Applied Informatics
    • 157 - Department of Systems Engineering and Informatics
    • 161 - Department for Science, Research and Doctoral Studies
    • 163 - International Office
    • 165 - External Relations Office
    • 166 - Property Valuation Institute
  • FAST - Faculty of Civil Engineering
    • 200 - Faculty of Civil Engineering - Dean's Office
      • 200a - Dean's Secretary's Office
      • 201 - Study Office
      • 202 - Finance Office
      • 203 - Office of Science and Research
      • 204 - Office of Development and Public Relations
      • 208 - Research Centre of Wooden Buildings
      • 211 - Office of External Affairs
      • 212 - Centre of Reserves
    • 205 - Office of Information Technology
    • 207 - Centre of Building Experiments and Diagnostics
    • 209 - Forensic Institute of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
    • 221 - Department of Structures
    • 222 - Department of Urban Engineering
    • 223 - Department of Building Materials and Diagnostics of Structures
    • 224 - Department of Geotechnics and Underground Engineering
      • 224a - Laboratory of Geotechnics and Seismicity
    • 225 - Department of Building Constructions
    • 226 - Department of Architecture
    • 227 - Department of Transport Constructions
    • 228 - Department of Structural Mechanics
    • 229 - Department of Building Environment and Building Services
    • 230 - Department of Mathematics
  • FBI - Faculty of Safety Engineering
    • 010 - Faculty of Safety Engineering - Dean's Office
      • 011 - Study Office
      • 012 - Dean's Secretary's Office
      • 013 - Office of R&D, International and Economic Affairs
      • 014 - Project Department
    • 021 - Specific Units
      • 021a - Laboratory and Computer Service
    • 022 - Centre of Simulation Technologies
    • 030 - Department of Fire Protection
    • 040 - Department of Occupational and Process Safety
    • 050 - Department of Civil Protection
    • 060 - Department of Security Services
  • FEI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • 400 - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Dean's Office
      • 401 - Study Office
      • 402 - Project Support Office
      • 403 - Maintenance and IT Services
      • 404 - Public Relations Office
      • 405 - Advances Nanorobots and Multiscale Robotics Lab
    • 410 - Department of Electrical Power Engineering
    • 430 - Department of Applied Electronics
    • 440 - Department of Telecommunications
    • 450 - Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
    • 460 - Department of Computer Science
    • 470 - Department of Applied Mathematics
    • 480 - Department of Physics
  • FMT - Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
    • 600 - Faculty of Materials Science and Technology - Dean's Office
      • 600a - Dean's secretary's office
      • 601 - Study Office
      • 602 - Economics Section
      • 603 - Science and International Projects Section
    • 632 - Department of Materials and Technologies for Vehicles
    • 635 - Department of Thermal Engineering
    • 639 - Department of Quality Management
    • 651 - Department of Chemistry and Physico-Chemical Processes
    • 652 - Department of Metallurgical Technologies
    • 653 - Department of Materials Engineering and Recycling
    • 654 - Department of Industrial Systems Management
    • 660 - Centre for Advanced Innovation Technologies
      • 661 - Structural Integrity and Material Design Laboratory
      • 662 - Experimental Noise and Climate Laboratory
      • 663 - Laboratory for Health Care and Environmental Research
    • 670 - CCHI - Centre for Chemical Engineering
  • FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    • 300 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Dean's Office
      • 301 - Study and International Office
      • 302 - Faculty Administration
      • 303 - Centre of Bachelor Studies in Šumperk
      • 304 - Department for Projects Support
    • 310 - Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
    • 330 - Department of Applied Mechanics
    • 338 - Department of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Equipment
    • 340 - Department of Machine and Industrial Design
    • 342 - Institute of Transport
      • 342a - Department of Transport and Process Equipment
      • 342b - Department of Air Transport
      • 342c - Department of Transport Technology
      • 342d - Department of Transport Equipment
      • 342e - Laboratory of Loose Materials
    • 345 - Department of Mechanical Technology
    • 346 - Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Metrology
    • 347 - Department of Machine Parts and Mechanisms
    • 352 - Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation
    • 354 - Department of Robotics
    • 361 - Department of Power Engineering
  • HGF - Faculty of Mining and Geology
    • 500 - Faculty of Mining and Geology - Dean's Office
      • 500a - Faculty of Mining and Geology - Dean's secretary's office
      • 501 - Study Office
      • 502 - Economics and Project Support Section
      • 504 - Section of Science, Research and Innovation
      • 505 - Mobility Department
    • 511 - Institute of Clean Technologies for Mining and Utilization of Raw Materials for Energy Use
    • 512 - Detached Workplace of Combined Studies in Most
    • 513 - Prof. Pošepný's Geological Pavilion
    • 514 - Ostrava Planetarium
    • 541 - Department of Geological Engineering
    • 542 - Department of Mining Engineering and Safety
    • 544 - Department of Geodesy and Mine Surveying
    • 545 - Department of Economics and Control Systems
    • 546 - Department of Environmental Engineering
    • 548 - Department of Geoinformatics
  • JINE - External institutions
    • ESN - Erasmus Student Network
    • IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
    • OSU - University of Ostrava
    • UGN - Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
    • YOUNIE - Younie
    • ZINST - Foreign institutions
  • USP - University Study Programmes