Bullying refers to the physical and psychological pressure or abuse (often, i.e. most often of the currently weaker) individual in a group, or in society.
Bullying among students
Bullying is any behaviour intended to harm, threaten or intimidate another student or group of students. It is the targeted and repeated use of physical and psychological attacks by an individual or group against an individual or group of students who do not know how to defend themselves or for various reasons cannot defend themselves (e.g. due to insufficient physical strength, gender, language barrier, etc.). It includes both physical attacks and verbal attacks, it can also be psychological pressure in the form of isolating an individual from the collective. It can also be implemented through means of communication, especially via the Internet and mobile phones (so-called cyberbullying).
Bullying at work
Mobbing– various conduct leading to discomfort in the workplace, these are attacks by a group of co-workers against a single individual intended to harm, ridicule, question abilities, lead to social isolation of the individual; usually not openly.
Bossing– psychological pressure from a superior on his subordinate, his systematic bullying, terrorizing, behaviour of a superior that harms the subordinate in front of his/her colleagues, makes his work difficult or impossible. It can also be a situation in which the manager is aware of someone being bullied (mobbing) but does not protect the victim.
Staffing – attacks by an individual or a whole group against an individual in a leading position with the aim to destroy the manager, it can take the form of deliberately ignoring or systematically questioning the superior, questioning his/her visions and ideas, doing things out of spite.