Nostrification means recognition of previous education.
For applicants to bachelor’s study programs it means recognition of secondary education.
For applicants to master’s study programs it means recognition of bachelor’s education.
For applicants to PhD study programs it means recognition of master’s education.
There are two types of nostrifications:
A "small" nostrification means the assessment of foreign secondary or higher education within the admission procedure at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava.
It is valid only for the given academic year and only for the VSB – Technical university of Ostrava).
- No special recognition application form is needed to be filled
- Documents have to be sent in a printed form with the ORIGINAL stamp/s to the Department of Study Affairs of the faculty, to which you apply for studies (in the case of an application for several faculties, you only need to send it once to the faculty you prefer)
- It costs 600 CZK (approx. 23 Euro), the bank details are sent by e-mail
- It takes app. two weeks to process since your payment for nostrification is accepted
- You will not receive any special certificate
- The result of assessment is valid just in frame of admission procedure for one admission procedure for given academic year and just in frame of VSB-TU Ostrava
A "large" nostrification - means the general recognition of foreign higher education (bachelor, master, PhD) in the Czech Republic; it is intended for purposes other than further study at VSB-TUO (e.g. study at another university, job in the Czech Republic, etc.). At the same time, it can also be used for the purposes of the admission process at VSB-TUO.
It is valid for unlimited time and for the whole Czech Republic
- Special application form needs to be filled (download it from
- Documents for nostrification have to be sent in a printed form with the ORIGINAL stamp/s to the address: VSB – Technical University of Ostrava; 9230 – International office; 17. listopadu 15/2172; 708 00 Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic
- It costs 3000 CZK (approx. 120 Euro), the bank details are sent by e-mail
- It takes app. one month to process
- You will receive the certificate of recognition