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The Internal Evaluation Council of VSB-TUO is a self-governing body of the University, which among other things, approves study programs in terms of accreditation.

About the Internal Evaluation Council

The Internal Evaluation Council of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava is one of the self-governing academic bodies at VSB-TUO, the scope and organizational structure of the Council is defined in the Statute of the internal evaluation council of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. The Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evaluation Council of the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava shall determine the manner of the procedure of the Council.

The main areas of activity of the Council are, among other things, approving the drafted rules of the quality assurance system for education, managing the internal quality evaluations in educational activities, processing reports on the internal evaluation of the quality of the educational activities, approving study programs in the framework of institutional accreditation, approving the intentions to put forward requests to accredit associate professorship or professorship appointments.

List of members of the VSB-TUO internal evaluation council

Person Function
prof. RNDr. Václav Snášel, CSc. President of the Council, Rector
doc. Ing. Petra Váňová, Ph.D. Vice-President of the Council, Head of Department, Department of Materials Engineering and Recycling FMST
doc. Mgr. Petr Kovář, Ph.D. Chairman of the Academic Senate VSB-TUO
prof. Dr. Ing. Aleš Dudáček Academic Staff Member, Department of Fire Protection FSE
doc. Ing. et Ing. Mgr. Jana Petrů, Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Metrology FME
doc. Ing. Pavel Zapletal, Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Mining Engineering and Safety FMG
doc. Ing. Václav Friedrich, Ph.D. Academic Staff Member, Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics FE
prof. RNDr. Jiří Bouchala, Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Applied Mathematics FEECS
prof. Ing. Martin Krejsa, Ph.D. Academic Staff Member, Department of Structural Mechanics FCE
prof. Ing. Petr Praus, Ph.D. Academic Staff Member, Department of Chemistry and Physico-Chemical Processes FMST
prof. Ing. Lucie Obalová, Ph.D. Director IET, Head of Department of Science, Research and Education CEET
Bc. Klára Němčíková Student, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, VSB-TUO
prof. RNDr. Miroslav Mašláň, CSc. Vice-Rector for Technology Transfer, UPOL
prof. Irina Perfiljeva, CSc., dr. h. c., prof. h. c. Head of Theoretical Research Department at Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling, OU
prof. RNDr. Miroslav Doupovec, CSc., dr.h.c. Vice-Rector for Studying and Student Affair, VUT
Ing. David Vykydal, Ph.D. Secretary of the Council