Form September to December 2021, VSB-TUO underwent a gender audit (equal opportunities audit). The findings of the gender audit summarized in the Final Report confirmed that VSB-TUO adheres to the principles of equality, approaches the equal opportunities policy responsibly and openly, promotes equal treatment, non-discriminatory approach and also the area of reconciliation of work and family/personal life. It provides its employees with appropriate working conditions and a safe working environment. VSB-TUO carries out regular satisfaction surveys of its employees.
Each of the evaluated areas within the gender audit included recommendations which were at the core of the detailed development of the Gender Equality Plan for the years 2022-2026 (abbreviated GEP in both the Czech and English versions) which aims to support the development of quality HR policy and care for all employees in the context of equal opportunities. The Gender Equality Plan is fully in line with the Strategic Plan of VSB-TUO 2021-2027. Since 2022 Gender Equality Plans have been a new eligibility requirement for applicants from public universities and research organisations under the Horizon Europe programme.
The VSB-TUO Gender Equality Plan covers the following priority areas:
- organisational culture,
- gender balance in leadership and decision-making,
- gender equality in recruitment and promotion,
- reconciliation of work and family/personal life,
- integrating the gender dimension into research and education,
- measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.