The Strategic plan was created for most of 2020 by a team of people from the Innovation Support Center under the leadership of Vice-Rector Igor Ivan in close cooperation with other members of the university management, representatives of faculties and institutes. From the beginning, there was an effort to create a document that not only meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, but also clearly sets the direction of the university in the future. At the same time, it was important to design the entire document so that it is clear and understandable not only for employees and students of the university, but also for our partners and the general public.
The document is closely linked to the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for Universities 2021+, but also to other important documents, such as the Strategic Development Plan of the Statutory City of Ostrava 2017–2023, Moravian-Silesian Region Development Strategy 2019–2027, National RIS3 Strategy 2021–2027, National research, development and innovation policy 2021+, Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030).
The document is divided into five strategic priorities, eight strategic objectives, which are further divided into operational objectives and more detailed actions. Each strategic objective is complemented by a key indicator and also operational objectives will be monitored through clearly defined indicators. However, the main measure of the success of the Strategic Plan was defined by the Rector, who in his note stated “one of the basic differentiators between universities: there are universities that make the rules, and universities that follow them. The Strategic Plan of VSB-TUO presented here will be successful if we become a university that makes the rules."