Plagiarism can be defined as the intentional copying of another person’s text and passing it off as one’s own, careless or inaccurate citation of the literature used, or failure to cite (even unintentionally) a source used.
VSB-TUO considers plagiarism a serious offence against academic ethics, both for students and the academic and research staff.
In the case of student plagiarism, it is a disciplinary offence, and this offence is dealt with before the disciplinary committee of the relevant faculty. Anyone may submit a motion to the Dean of the relevant faculty. The motion must include a description of the act, identification of the student who is alleged to have committed the act, proposed evidence, and a justification as to why the act is considered a disciplinary offence.
Suppose you have any suspicions of plagiarism by academic staff members or researchers. In that case, you should approach the Ethics Committee of VSB-TUO, which deals with such suspicions.
The submission to the Ethics Committee, or its chairperson, must contain, in addition to the specific suspicion of plagiarism itself, information about the submitter, i.e. the name, surname and identification number of the employee/student.