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The Administrative Board is the body of the University, which among other things approves, the budget or strategy.

About the Administrative Board

The Administrative Board of VSB-TUO has 12 members, and they are, after consultation with the Rector, appointed and removed by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports. Its position and scope is given by § 14 and 15 of the law on the Higher Education Act, and its activity is governed by the Statute of the Administrative Board of the VSB-TUO. The members of the Administrative Board are appointed for a period of six years.

After the approval of the Administrative Board of VSB-TUO the Academic Senate:

  • discusses the internal evaluation of the quality of education, the creative and related activities of VSB-TUO, presented by the rector, and the amendments to this report
  • approves the budget of VSB-TUO, presented by the Rector
  • approves the strategic intent of VSB-TUO
  • discusses the annual activity report and the annual report on the management of VSB-TUO submitted by the Rector
  • The Administrative Board of VSB-TUO issues prior written consent to certain legal acts according to § 15 coll.1 of the Higher Education Act.

Minutes of meetings

Members of the Board of VSB–TUO

Chairman of Administrative Board

Person Function
Ing. Evžen Tošenovský, Dr.h.c.

Deputy Chairmans of the Administrative Board

Person Function
Ing. Tomáš Macura, MBA Representative of the Statutory City of Ostrava
Dr. Ing. Ján Fabián Businessman

Members of the Administrative Board

Person Function
Ing. Vladimír Bail, Ph.D. ESAP consult s.r.o.
Ing. Jana Říhová Director of the University Support and Research Support Unit, MEYS
Ing. Jan Světlík Chairman of the Board, Vítkovice Cylinders
Ing. Petr Klauda Managing Director, Yunex, s.r.o.
prof. Ing. Petr Sáha, CSc. Research direction guarantor, University Institute, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Dr. Ing. Otakar Fojt Scientific Attaché of the British Embassy in Prague
Mons. Martin David Bishop of the Ostrava-Opava diocese
Ing. Roman Heide, Ph.D., MBA Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, Třinecké železárny, a.s.
Ing. Rudolf Bochenek, MBA Owner, Statutory Director, BR GROUP

Secretary of the Administrative Board

Person Function
Ing. Daniela Vedrová secretary AB VSB-TUO