If you are looking for other useful information that can help you orient better in the VSB-TUO environment.
- Anti-discrimination Act, Act. No 198/2009 Coll. [CZECH ]
- Ethical Framework of Research [CZECH]
- HR Award Action Plan [CZECH]
- HR Award GAP analysis [CZECH]
- HR Award OTM-R Checklist [CZECH]
- HR Award Process Description [CZECH]
- Labour Code, Act No. 262/2006 Coll. [CZECH ]
- Presentation describing 40 principles of the Charter and Code in VSB-TUO environment [CZECH]
- The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduc for the Recruitment of Researchers [CZECH]
- The Higher Education Act No. 111/1998 Coll. [CZECH ]