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Diploma Project I

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code410-4212/01
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated14 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Compulsory
Level of Course Unit *Second Cycle
Year of Study *Second Year
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionCzech
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
HRA50prof. Ing. Zdeněk Hradílek, DrSc.
MAH30doc. Dr. Ing. Veleslav Mach
GUR10doc. Dr. Ing. Jiří Gurecký
RUS40prof. Ing. Stanislav Rusek, CSc.
MED40doc. Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Medvec
KRA24doc. Ing. Vladimír Král, Ph.D.
BER30Ing. Petr Bernat, Ph.D.
GON72prof. Ing. Radomír Goňo, Ph.D.
NOV27doc. Ing. Tomáš Novák, Ph.D.
KAC37doc. Ing. Petr Kačor, Ph.D.
KRE74doc. Ing. Petr Krejčí, Ph.D.
VAL76Ing. Pavel Valíček, Ph.D.
MIS01prof. Ing. Stanislav Mišák, Ph.D.
PRO11doc. Ing. Lukáš Prokop, Ph.D.
MOL03Ing. Petr Moldřík, Ph.D.
SIK07Ing. Tadeusz Sikora, Ph.D.
FUL0005Ing. Jan Fulneček, Ph.D.
VRZ0008Ing. Matouš Vrzala, Ph.D.
Seminar projects come from areas of electricity generation, transmission and distribution, industrial electrical engineering, electrical heating and lighting. Work is finished by handing in printed and electronic assignment.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
The objective of Diploma Project is preparation of students for individual creative work on concrete projects.
Course Contents
Consultation of diploma project
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
Individually recommended literature according to supervisor instructions.
Individuálně doporučená literatura podle pokynů vedoucího diplomové práce.
Recommended Reading:
Individually recommended literature according to supervisor instructions.
Individuálně doporučená literatura podle pokynů vedoucího diplomové práce.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Individual consultations, Project work, Other activities
Assesment methods and criteria
Task TitleTask TypeMaximum Number of Points
(Act. for Subtasks)
Minimum Number of Points for Task Passing
Exercises evaluationCredit 
        Verification of knowledge in LMSOther task type