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Java Technologies

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code460-2027/03
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated4 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Optional
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *Third Year
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionCzech
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites
PrerequisitiesCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit Title
460-2010Programming Languages I
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
JEZ04Ing. David Ježek, Ph.D.
Prerequisites for this subject is basic knowledge of java programming and object oriented programming in scope of subject Program Language I (Java). Subject is focused on technologies contained in JavaSE, Jakarta EE platform and other modern technologies for JAVA language. Those technologies are used in development of modern applications and information systems. Mainly are used in web applications and other client/server applications. Students are familiarizing with modern trends in JAVA development of internet applications. Some of those technologies are presented in computer labs and used in projects.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
Target of this subject: Introduce technologies JavaSE, JakartaEE and other modern technologies for JAVA to students.
Achieved skills:
Students can use basic API of JavaSE and Jakarta EE platform.
Students can use standard way of development for Jakarta EE platform.
Implement application over Jakarta EE platform.
Course Contents
Lectures content:

- Introduction. Course content, credit requirements. Topics of projects, required solutions. Literature and other sources of information. JavaBeans - basic features, interface, messages. Event-Listener model.
- Information systems architectures. Multi-tier architectures. Presentation, application and data layers in Jakarta EE. Jakarta EE - application mode, principles, architecture. Java Application Servers. Web application structure.
- Overview of languages and technologies for web development. Java Servlet, request processing, response options. Filters.
- Spring framework and Spring Boot.
- Jakarta Faces - principles, usage, components, CDI Bean, templates and composition, conversion, validation, navigation.
- Java CDI.
- Object persistence. Java Persistence API and QL query language. Extended capabilities.
- Java Transaction in JAVA (JTA).
- JMS - Message passing, Message-Driven Bean.

Lectures content:

- Introduction. Introduction to the environment and basic tools available for the exercise. Practice creating JavaBeans and using the Event-Listener model.
- Configuring the environment to run the application server. Creating a Trivial Application.
- Creating an application using Servlets and using Filters.
- Creating a SpringBoot application.
- Jakarta Faces - creating a JSF application using CDI, using converters and validators.
- Creating different types of CDI Bean.
- Creating a basic application using JPA.
- Extending the application using the extended capabilities of JPA.
- Using the DAO design pattern in a JSF application. Use of JMS.
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
Trail: JavaBeans(TM) [online]. 1995-2015 , 2/14/2008 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Available from WWW: < >.
JDBC Basics [online]. 1995-2015, 2/14/2008 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Available from WWW: < >.
The JNDI Tutorial [online]. c1994-2015 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Available from WWW: < >.
Fowler, M.. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison-Wesley, 2003. ISBN 9780321127426 Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition: The Java EE Tutorial [online]. c2015, January 2015 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Available from WWW: < >.
DEEPAK ALUR; JOHN CRUPI; DAN MALKS. Core J2EE patterns: best practices and design strategies. 2. ed., [updated and revised]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall PTR, 2003. ISBN 9780131422469. Available from WWW: < >.
Introduction to Portlets [online]. 2020 [cit. 2020-12-20]. Available from WWW: < >.
Trail: JavaBeans(TM) [online]. 1995-2015 , 2/14/2008 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Dostupný z WWW: < >.
JDBC Basics [online]. 1995-2015, 2/14/2008 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Dostupný z WWW: < >.
The JNDI Tutorial [online]. c1994-2015 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Dostupný z WWW: < >.
Fowler, M.. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison-Wesley, 2003. ISBN 9780321127426 Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition: The Java EE Tutorial [online]. c2015, January 2015 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Dostupný z WWW: < >.
DEEPAK ALUR; JOHN CRUPI; DAN MALKS. Core J2EE patterns: best practices and design strategies. 2. ed., [updated and revised]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall PTR, 2003. ISBN 9780131422469. Dostupný z WWW: < >.
Introduction to Portlets [online]. 2020 [cit. 2020-12-20]. Available from WWW: < >.
Recommended Reading:
W. Crawford, K. Jonathan: J2EE Design Patterns, O'Reilly & Associates Inc., Sebastopol, CA, USA 2003, ISBN 0-596-00427-3
Bruce W. Perry: Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, O'Reilly & Associates Inc., Sebastopol, CA, USA 2004, ISBN 0-596-00572-5
Neal Ford: Art of Java Web Development, Manning Publicatioons Co. Greenwitch, CT 2004, ISBN 1-932394-06-0

David Ježek: Java Technology - slaids available from
W. Crawford, K. Jonathan: J2EE Design Patterns, O'Reilly & Associates Inc., Sebastopol, CA, USA 2003, ISBN 0-596-00427-3
Bruce W. Perry: Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, O'Reilly & Associates Inc., Sebastopol, CA, USA 2004, ISBN 0-596-00572-5
Neal Ford: Art of Java Web Development, Manning Publicatioons Co. Greenwitch, CT 2004, ISBN 1-932394-06-0

David Ježek: Java Technology - slaids available from
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Experimental work in labs, Project work
Assesment methods and criteria
Task TitleTask TypeMaximum Number of Points
(Act. for Subtasks)
Minimum Number of Points for Task Passing
Graded creditGraded credit100 (100)51
        Úlohy řešené na cvičeníchLaboratory work30 15
        Semestrální projektProject40 20
        Semestrální písemkaWritten test30 15