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Russian Language (intermediate)

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code712-2548/01
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated2 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Choice-compulsory type B
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *Second Year
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredSummer Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionCzech
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
OST01Ing. Bc. Alla Ostárková
FOL49Mgr. Libor Folvarčný
MAT0433Mgr. Gabriela Matyášková, Ph.D.
The subject links up to language skills in Russian acquired at secondary school. Its aim is to enrich the vocabulary, develop the knowledge of grammar structures necessary for oral and written communication and to use them in everyday situation at intermediate level. The instruction includes practising communication on the phone. The aim is to acquire language skills with the output level B1-B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
Enriching the vocabulary and enriching the knowledge of grammar structures necessary for competent communication (mainly oral) in Russian at intermediate level. Practising listening and adequate speech reactions.
Writing structured curriculum vitae in Russian.
The aim is to acquire language skills with the output level B1-B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Course Contents
Ruština nejen pro samouky. Lessons 28-31
1. Working with the text “Что вам (не) понравилось в России”.
2. Working with the text “Что говорят звезды о человеке?”.
3. Conjunctions: и, а, но. Pronouns: весь, вся, всё, все.
4. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs.
5. Regular comparative forms.
6. Subject to be compared. Irregular comparative forms.
7. Working with the text “Моя автобиография”.
8. Gender inflection. Verbal aspect. Some problems when using verb aspect.
9. The main differences in the use of verb aspect in Russian and Czech.
10. Working with the text "Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда".
11. Conjunctions neither, neither-nor. Superlative of adjectives and adverbs.
12. Pronouns самый аnd сам. The difference between сам-один.
13. Working with the texts "Новый сотрудник", "Деловой этикет".
14. Credit test.
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
NEKOLOVÁ, V.; CAMUTALIOVÁ, I.; VASILJEVA-LEŠKOVÁ, A. Ruština nejen pro samouky. Praha LEDA, 2009, 529 pages. 80-7335-112-9.
PEŘINOVÁ, N. Additional material for the topic Studium na VŠ.
BALCAR, M. Ruská gramatika. Praha LEDA, 1999, 125 pages. 80-85927-56-x.
MICHLOVÁ, S. Současná ruština, Praha Fortuna, 2003, 142 pages. 80-7168-885-1.
NEKOLOVÁ, V.; CAMUTALIOVÁ, I.; VASILJEVA-LEŠKOVÁ, A. Ruština nejen pro samouky. Praha LEDA, 2009, 529 stran. 80-7335-112-9.
PEŘINOVÁ, N. Doplňkový materiál k tématu Studium na VŠ.
BALCAR, M. Ruská gramatika. Praha LEDA, 1999, 125 stran. 80-85927-56-x.
MICHLOVÁ, S. Současná ruština, Praha Fortuna, 2003, 142 stran. 80-7168-885-1.
Recommended Reading:
PEŘINOVÁ, N.; FOLVARČNÝ, L. Česko-ruský slovník VŠB-TU Ostrava. Study material, 2003, 86 pages. 80-248-0264-3.
ŠROUFKOVÁ, M.; VENCOVSKÁ, M.; PLESKÝ, R. Rusko-český slovník, Praha LEDA, 1999, 979 pages. 80-85927-41-1.
CSIRIKOVÁ, M.; VYSLOUŽILOVÁ, E. Ruština v praxi, Praha LEDA, 2002, 271 pages. 80-7335-009-2.
HORVATOVÁ, M. Ruská konverzace, Ekopress, s.r.o., 2004, 255 pages. 80-86119-82-3.

PEŘINOVÁ, N.; FOLVARČNÝ, L. Česko-ruský slovník VŠB-TU Ostrava. Skriptum, 2003, 86 stran. 80-248-0264-3.
ŠROUFKOVÁ, M.; VENCOVSKÁ, M.; PLESKÝ, R. Rusko-český slovník, Praha LEDA, 1999, 979 stran. 80-85927-41-1.
CSIRIKOVÁ, M.; VYSLOUŽILOVÁ, E. Ruština v praxi, Praha LEDA, 2002, 271 stran. 80-7335-009-2.
HORVATOVÁ, M. Ruská konverzace, Ekopress, s.r.o., 2004, 255 stran. 80-86119-82-3.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria
Task TitleTask TypeMaximum Number of Points
(Act. for Subtasks)
Minimum Number of Points for Task Passing
Exercises evaluation and ExaminationCredit and Examination100 (100)51
        Exercises evaluationCredit 
        ExaminationExamination100 51