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Course Unit Code342-0677/02
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated4 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Choice-compulsory type B
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *Third Year
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredSummer Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionCzech
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
SLI74prof. Ing. Aleš Slíva, Ph.D.
In the subject of Logistics, students will become familiar with logistics as a field of science with a focus on general logistics of general logistics specializing in transport and handling in relation to the introduction of Industry 4.0 principles in the form of monitoring, designing and recording the flow of material.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
In the subject of Logistics, students will become familiar with logistics as a field of science with a focus on general logistics specializing in transport and handling in relation to the implementation of Industry 4.0 principles in the form of monitoring, designing and recording the flow of material. The subject is devoted to production strategy, warehouse management in a company, IT technology of traceability of critical parts production with on-line process control and control of limit values of monitored quantities in internal company logistics.
Course Contents
1) The beginnings of logistics development, goals and strategies of logistics.
2) Integrated logistics. General business logistics. Logistics costs.
3) Logistics chain, active and passive elements of logistics, micrologistics and macrologistics, transport logistics in the context of material handling.
4) Intra-company and out-of-object transport and its specifics.
5) Informatics in logistics, movement of materials in space and time.
6) Expression of the manipulation problem, design of the means of technical manipulation-relation between sources and appliances.
7) Methods for solving the distribution of objects, solution for designing objects. Logistics technology.
8) Storage, storage systems. Distribution logistics and its aspects.
9) Logistic auditing and controlling.
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
SLÍVA, A. Fundamental Logistics. ES VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2004.
SMETANA, J., JÁNOŠÍK, L. Projektování výrobních procesů a systémů. ES VŠB-TU Ostrava, 1991.
SLÍVA, A. Základy logistiky. ES VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2004.
Roberson, J., F., Copacino, W., C. The Logistics Handbook, Andersen Consulting, 1994.
SLÍVA, A. Základy projektování logistických systémů.
Recommended Reading:
Christopher, M. Logistics and Supply Chain Management.Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall Financial Times, 2020.
HAGANAS, K. Systémové navrhování manipulace s materiálem (SHA). SNTL, 1979.
MUTHER, R., HAGANAS, K. Systémové projektování, (SLP). SNTL, 1980.
SCHULE, CH. Logistika, Victoria Publishing. Praha, 1994.
DRAŽAN, F., JEŘÁBEK, K. Manipulace s materiálem. SNTL, 1979.
BUDA, J., KOVÁČ, M. Metodika projektovania výrobných procesov v strojárstve. ALFA-SNTL, 1985.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Tutorials
Assesment methods and criteria
Task TitleTask TypeMaximum Number of Points
(Act. for Subtasks)
Minimum Number of Points for Task Passing
Credit and ExaminationCredit and Examination100 (100)51
        CreditCredit35 18
        ExaminationExamination65 33