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Russian Language 2b/I for EkF (3)

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code712-0680/01
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated1 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Choice-compulsory type B
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *Second Year
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionCzech
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
OST01Ing. Bc. Alla Ostárková
FOL49Mgr. Libor Folvarčný
BEL0001PhDr. Ludmila Bělíková
MAT0433Mgr. Gabriela Matyášková, Ph.D.
The instruction focuses on further enriching the terminology necessary both for the communication in everyday situations and at work. The activities leading to meeting the set goal include speaking, reading, listening and comprehension and writing. The course covers the topics: Russian realities, eating habits, travel and business trip. Part of the course is the practice of foreign language communication for telephone communication.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
The subject links to secondary school Russian. It enlarges vocabulary, deepens knowledge of grammar structures necessary for intermediate oral and written communication as well as active use in everyday situations. Reaching A2-B1 level according to the European Reference Framework for Languages.

Course Contents
Učebnice současné ruštiny. Units 8-10.
1. When I eat, I'm deaf and dumb. A date. (Когда я ем, я глух и нем. Свидание.) Second conjugation and verbs to be (есть) and want (хотеть). Possible? (Можно?) – Forbbiden! (Нельзя!)
2. The declension of singular nouns in –ий, -ие, -ия. The structure of Russian sentences. The future and past tense of the verb to be. Working with unknown text. Negative form of the verb to be.
3. У меня есть - the future and past tense of the verb to have. The negative form of the verb to have. The nominative case forms of cardinal numbers 30-1000. Use of numbers 2,3 and followed by a noun.
4. Working with unknown text. Conjugation of reflexive verbs.
5. Rush hour. How do you get to work? (Час пик. Как добраться на работу?) Verbs of motion. Infinitive sentences – questions.
6. The nominative of cardinal numbers 2000–billion. Ordinal numbers. Conjugation of verbs can and help (мочь/помочь).
7. Have a good trip. A business trip. (Счастливого пути. Командировка.) Summary of the verb conjugation. Consonant alternations in verb conjugation.
8. The declension of feminine nouns (площадь). Making phone calls. Indefinite pronouns and adverbs.
9. Москва – Владивосток. Verbs Пойти/поехать или сходить/съездить. The declension of plural masculine nouns. The declension of plural adjectives.
10. Working with unknown text. Declension of adjectives in the plural.
11. Grammar revision. Conversation on selected topics.
12. Credit test.
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
BELYNTSEVA, O.;JANEK, Učebnice současné ruštiny. Computer Press Brno, 2009, 554 pages. 978-80-251-2596-0.
PEŘINOVÁ, N. Additional material for the topic Studium na VŠ.
BALCAR, M. Ruská gramatika. Praha LEDA, 1999, 125 pages. 80-85927-56-x.
BELYNTSEVA, O.;JANEK, A. Učebnice současné ruštiny. Computer Press Brno, 2009, 554 stran. 978-80-251-2596-0.
PEŘINOVÁ, N. Doplňkový materiál k tématu Studium na VŠ.
BALCAR, M. Ruská gramatika. Praha LEDA, 1999, 125 stran. 80-85927-56-x.
Recommended Reading:
PEŘINOVÁ, N.; FOLVARČNÝ, L. Česko-ruský slovník VŠB-TU Ostrava. Study material, 2003, 86 pages. 80-248-0264-3.
ŠROUFKOVÁ, M.; VENCOVSKÁ, M.; PLESKÝ, R. Rusko-český slovník, Praha LEDA, 1999, 979 pages. 80-85927-41-1.
CSIRIKOVÁ, M.; VYSLOUŽILOVÁ, E. Ruština v praxi, Praha LEDA, 2002, 271 pages. 80-7335-009-2.
PEŘINOVÁ, N.; FOLVARČNÝ, L. Česko-ruský slovník VŠB-TU Ostrava. Skriptum, 2003, 86 stran. 80-248-0264-3.
ŠROUFKOVÁ, M.; VENCOVSKÁ, M.; PLESKÝ, R. Rusko-český slovník, Praha LEDA, 1999, 979 stran. 80-85927-41-1.
CSIRIKOVÁ, M.; VYSLOUŽILOVÁ, E. Ruština v praxi, Praha LEDA, 2002, 271 stran. 80-7335-009-2.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria
Task TitleTask TypeMaximum Number of Points
(Act. for Subtasks)
Minimum Number of Points for Task Passing
Exercises evaluationCredit10 5