General registration procedure for degree programme students
Degree programme students must comply with conditions of the entrance procedure and must be admitted for study. Consequently the students are registered electronically to the University Information System EDISON upon matriculation to their study programme – personal attendance is needed. The responsible officer at the Office for Study Affairs at the faculty level inserts a full record of the student including their personal details into EDISON.
Course registration at VSB-TUO is done online through the University Information System EDISON directly by the student, registration periods prior to the beginning of each academic year are set by each faculty. Information about University Information System EDISON, guidelines on course registration, detailed academic calendar including the registration and enrolment dates and login and password details are given to the admitted students prior to the beginning of the academic year.
General registration procedure for exchange students
Admitted exchange students are registered electronically to the University Information System EDISON upon matriculation during Orientation Days before start of the academic semester – personal attendance is needed (if an exchange student comes after the Orientation Days period, the registration is done individually at the particular department upon the arrival of the student). Responsible officer at the Office for Study Affairs at the faculty level inserts a full record of the student including their personal details into the EDISON. The same officer registers courses selected by the student according to valid Learning Agreement into EDISON.