Thanks to the online activities of VSB-TUO, schools enrich distance education for their pupils and students. “Children can listen to the lecture directly from home and ask experts about everything they are interested in,” explains the University Rector Václav Snášel. According to him, schools are especially interested in topics in the field of energy, environment and waste management, underground construction, geology, mathematics, statistics or economics. “Most topics can be modified and offered to the teachers themselves,” adds the Rector.
For students who will take the secondary school leaving examination this year and have decided on the exam in mathematics, or for students who are waiting for the entrance exams in mathematics, the University has prepared an online weekend repetition in mathematics. “During the weekend, the students practised the topics they find most difficult – operations with numbers, functions, equations and inequalities. Our teachers also initiated them in into the mysteries of geometry," explains the Rector Václav Snášel. The event was a great success and was fully booked within a few days.
Currently, competition events are also announced online. The 11th year of the popular Geologist’s Pick event also took place in this form. The competition, which is intended for primary school pupils and secondary school students, and in which 48 children participated, was a little different this year – it was not in teams, but individuals could apply under the auspices of the school. Part of the competition also took the form of online tests. The children tested their knowledge and won material prizes. The finals of the Improve Your Technology competition will also take place in April. You can find more information at