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The Restoration Workshop is a new full member of FIVA

The Restoration Workshop is a new full member of FIVA
Obtaining the status of a regular member of the organization FIVA is another recognition of the Restoration Workshop at the Department of Machine and Industrial Design, VSB-TUO.

In 2019, at the time of the establishment of the Restoration Workshop at the Department of Machine and Industrial Design, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, there were probably not many who fully believed in the success of this project. Nevertheless, the "start-up" of the workshop was successful and with its increasing number of restored motorcycles, the Restoration Workshop came to the attention of the professional public not only in the Moravian-Silesian Region, which has long supported the operation of the workshop, but throughout the entire Czech Republic.

It is then logical that with its new successes the Restoration Workshop has begun to be talked about abroad and the first very important award of its work has been the establishment of contacts, and subsequently also the approval of full membership in the FIVA federation, which operates in more than 80 countries around the world. The Restoration Workshop at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the only academic workplace in the Czech Republic which meets the requirements set by the Federation in the areas of the restoration of historic vehicles (motorcycles). Thanks to this, VSB-TUO is the only university in the world to be proud of its active membership in FIVA.

And what does the abbreviation FIVA mean, or respectively why could our membership be approved?

FIVA (the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens), in our country known as the International Federation of Historic Vehicles, is a worldwide organization dedicated since 1966 to the protection, preservation and promotion of historic vehicles. Its importance is also evidenced by the fact that since 2017 it has been an advisory partner to UNESCO on world motorsport heritage and related culture.

The inclusion of the Restoration Workshop as an academic workplace among the regular members was decided, among other things, by the fact that one of the commissions managing the activities of FIVA is also the Commission for Culture and Youth. Its main goal, the effort to preserve the culture around historic vehicles, was defined together with the active involvement of the young generation, which is in full compliance with the goals of our Restoration Workshop.

Created: 23. 5. 2023
Category:  News
Department: 340 - Department of Machine and Industrial Design