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Study programme Applied Economics

About study programme

The Applied Economics study programme offers a Bachelor’s degree curriculum, which is suited to facilitate an understanding of the economy at regional, national, European and world level and of the mechanisms through which various policy instruments can influence the economy. An important part of the study programme concerns the impact of economic policies on firms, households and other economic agents as well as how consumer and producer markets influence forms and modalities of economic policies. Students will become acquainted with the fundamentals of micro- and macro-economics, gain deeper knowledge in applied mathematics and statistics, and develop analytical and data processing skills in different areas of economics. The expertise acquired through the study programme will enable graduates to solve practical economic problems independently. By completing the Applied Economics study, graduates of this degree programme will acquire specialised knowledge and practical skills in areas focused on in the two postgraduate specializations, namely Economic Development and International Economic Relations.
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Type of study Bachelor
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme B0311A050005
Title of the programme Applied Economics
Regular period of the study 3 years
Cost 50,000 CZK per semester
Coordinating department Department of Economics
Coordinator prof. Ing. Jaromír Gottvald, CSc.
Key words Economic growth and development
A modern, project-oriented way of teaching
Economic policy and international trade
Economics, applied economics
International integration and European union
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