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Study programme Material science and Engineering

About study programme

The doctoral program „Material Science and Engineering“ is a modern interdisciplinary program. It is built on a deep knowledge of the structure of conventional and specially materials, their utility properties and mechanisms of their degradation. It includes the field of the evaluation of mechanical and physical properties, the diagnostics of the chemical constitution and material structure, including the diagnostics of defects in materials as well as their recycling.
The aim of the doctoral program „Material Science and Engineering“ is to train the students for the independent creative scientific-research activities in the broad field of material engineering based on needed theoretical knowledge and experimental abilities using current modern experimental techniques.
Faculty Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
Type of study Doctoral
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme P0788D270004
Title of the programme Material science and Engineering
Regular period of the study 4 years
Cost 500 CZK per semester
Coordinating department Department of Materials Engineering and Recycling
Coordinator prof. Ing. Bohumír Strnadel, DrSc.
Key words structure of materials
properties of materials
degradation processes
material engineering
testing method
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