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Study programme Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

About study programme

The Doctoral Study Program (DSP) Bioinformatics and Computational Biology is a combined study program aimed to three areas of education (Informatics; Biology, Ecology and the Environment; General Medicine and dentistry). It is a multidisciplinary "doctoral degree" program between two universities. All subjects offered to students of this DSP are a combination of subjects focused on informatics - guaranteed by VŠB-TUO (50%), and subjects focused on biology and medical sciences - guaranteed by Palacky University in Olomouc (30% + 20%). Also the interuniversity ratio 50:50 appears to be optimal from perspective of the offer of subjects, staffing of the program, the profile of the graduate and the demand for graduates at labor market.
Faculty Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Type of study Doctoral
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme P0588D140004
Title of the programme Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Regular period of the study 4 years
Cost 500 CZK per semester
Coordinating department Department of Computer Science
Coordinator doc. Ing. Petr Gajdoš, Ph.D.
Key words molecular biology
big data analysis
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