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Study programme Geotechnics and Underground Engineering

About study programme

The study is focused on the field of behaviour of geomaterials, geomechanics, technology of realization of geotechnical, underground and mining constructions corresponding to the development of digitization and smartification of engineering constructions (including BIM technology), behaviour of geotechnical and underground constructions subjected to extraordinary loads, development of methods of modelling of various types of geotechnical constructions, environmental geotechnics and the problems of energy geotechnics associated with geothermal energy. The cooperation of doctoral students is foreseen for the scientific and research activities of the supervising departments. This study programme is a unique study programme at universities in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Faculty Faculty of Civil Engineering
Type of study Doctoral
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme P0732D260003
Title of the programme Geotechnics and Underground Engineering
Regular period of the study 4 years
Cost 500 CZK per semester
Coordinating department Department of Geotechnics and Underground Engineering
Coordinator doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová, Ph.D.
Key words Mining Structures
Underground Engineering
Slope Stability
Geothermal Energy
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