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Study branch Economic Development

About study programme

The aim of the master programme is to prepare highly-qualified specialists able to analyse sophistically economic, as well as economic policy, problems, to identify ways of solving them and to implement the chosen solution. The graduates will gain strong skills in data analytics, including statistics, econometrics and data mining. In addition to the macroeconomic topics, students' knowledge of corporate management and operations at home and abroad is further enhanced, making it easier for graduates to hold leadership positions in the future. As part of their studies, students can further expand their knowledge through internships at foreign universities or gain work experience through internships at home and abroad.

Courses Taught
• Economic Growth and Development
• Behavioural and Environmental Economics
• Economics of International Trade
• Economics of Migration
• Applied Econometrics
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Study programme Applied Economics
Type of study Follow-up Master
Language of instruction English
Code of the branch S01
Title of the branch Economic Development
Regular period of the study 2 years
Cost 50,000 CZK per semester
Coordinating department Department of Economics
Coordinator prof. Ing. Jaromír Gottvald, CSc.
Key words Economics
Economic growth and development
A modern, project-oriented way of teaching
Economic policy, fiscal and monetary policy
A programme that fits the challenges and needs of the labour market
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