Course Unit Code | 224-0260/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| RAP35 | prof. Ing. Naďa Rapantová, CSc. |
| POS0046 | doc. RNDr. Pavel Pospíšil, Ph.D. |
Summary |
Within the course the students are acquainted with the basics of hydrogeology and engineering geology. In the field of hydrogeology, students are introduced into the conditions of formation, accumulation and movement of groundwater in the saturated and unsaturated zone of the rock environment. The subject of study is the understanding of terminology in the system water - rock, groundwater chemistry - water aggressivity towards building structures, physical properties of aquifers, analytical equations of groundwater hydraulics and their applications for solving problems of dewatering of construction pits, line structures, tunnels, etc. In the framework of engineering geology, which includes the application of knowledge of geological sciences in order to ensure the safety, efficiency and economy of engineering projects, students will be familiarized with the methods of study of the rock environment formed by rock rocks and soils. The students will also learn to describe the rock environment, its genesis and to identify negative natural phenomena such as slope deformations, tectonic damage, degree of weathering of the rock mass, etc., which influence the engineering and geological conditions for construction. This is necessary for the correct location, planning, design, implementation, operation and maintenance of all types of engineering works that interfere with a naturally created or man-influenced rock environment. It is important to familiarize students with the basic engineering and geological units of the Czech Republic and their properties. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the knowledge of engineering geology and hydrogeology, which enables them to understand the content of the course so that they are able to apply it in practical activities of civil engineering. |
Course Contents |
Lectures: (topics):
1. Hydrosphere and water in rocks (general patterns of accumulation and flow of fluids in soils and rocks, hydrological balance equation).
2. Properties and characteristics of aquatic systems (aquifer properties and their testing, system classification, hydraulic and hydrogeological conditions – confined, unconfined aquifer).
3. Quality of surface and shallow groundwater. Fundamentals of hydrogeochemical assessment of natural waters, aggressivity of water on building structures. Water Corrosivity Index.
4. Groundwater regime (classification and characterization of main types, HG measurements and observations, data processing forms).
5. HG exploration and dewatering in mining and underground construction (design of HG works, types, stages and objectives of exploration, dewatering of building pits, mines and quarries). Artificial recharge of precipitation water.
6. Exploration and remediation of groundwater pollution (pollution monitoring, hygiene protection zones, conflicts of interest - legislation and standards).
6. Hydrogeological survey for the construction of surface and underground waste disposals (liquid and solid industrial waste, municipal waste, hydrogeological legislation).
7. Hydrological Service of the CR - observation networks, monitored hydrological data of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. Basic legislation of the Czech Republic - Water Act and its application in Construction. Obligations arising from the water balance of surface and groundwater.
8. Engineering-geological characteristics of the rock environment.
9. General and purpose classification of rocks and rock massifs.
10. Geodynamic processes and risks.
11. Methods and methodology of engineering geological survey.
12. Engineering geological maps, sets of specific thematic maps.
13. IG documents for evaluation of ground conditions for structures including underground structures.
14. Landfills of municipal and hazardous waste, remediation and reclamation work.
Practical training:
1. Hydrogeochemistry - classification of waters, graphical visualization of water chemistry. aggressivity of water to building structures. Water corrosivity index assessment.
2. Hydrological balance in the catchment area. Methods of evaluating regime measurements. Evaluation of chronological curves.
3. Groundwater hydraulics - dewatering. Calculation and construction of the depression curve.
4. Groundwater hydraulics - dewatering. Calculation of inflow to line drains.
5. Dewatering of building pits. Overview of methods. Case study.
6. Hydrogeological maps and documentation. Zones for hygienic protection of of surface water and groundwater.
7. Excursion to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute - hydrometry.
8. Classification of rocks based on descriptive properties and laboratory test results.
9. Indicative assessment of rocks according to laboratory and field testing and purposeful classifications (permeability, frost resistance, disintegration, etc.).
10. Assessment of geological and geomorphological conditions in the defined area - risk assessment.
11. Borehole documentation, processing and evaluation of the geological profile (piece size analysis, RQD, etc.).
12. Types of slope deformations, survey methods and methodology of remediation (movie).
13. - 14. Project: Literature review on IG maps - indicative assessment of ground conditions for land use planning. Construction of IG sections and evaluation of foundation soil for a given structure.
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Domenico P.A., Schwartz F.: Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology John Wiley, New York, 1990
Gangopadhyay, Subinoy Engineering Geology - 1.2.1 Definition and Application. Oxford University Press. 2013. Online version available at: |
Pašek, Matula: Inženýrská geologie a hydrogeologie, Praha, 1995
Šráček O., Kuchovský T.: Základy hydrogeologie Vydavatelství MU Brno, 2003, ISBN 80 -210 -3146 -8, 186 s.
Krásný J. et al.: Podzemní vody České republiky. Regionální geologie prostých a minerálních vod. Vydavatelství České geologické služby, 2012, ISBN 978-80-7075-797-0, 1143 s.
Gregor R. : Odvodňovanie stavebných jám. VUT Brno, Stavební fakulta. Skripta PGS Geotechnika. Brno, 1990
Fetter C.W. Applied Hydrogeology 4. Edition. Paerson Education Ltd. 2014. ISBN 978-0130882394.
Gangopadhyay, Subinoy Engineering Geology - 1.2.1 Definition and Application. Oxford University Press. 2013. Online version available at: |
Recommended Reading: |
Bell, F.G.. (2007). Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology - 10.3 Some Special Types of Clay Deposits. Whittles Publishing. Online version available at: |
Matula: Geologia v územnom planovaní a výstavbe. Príroda Bratislava, 1995
Homola V., Grmela A. Geologie kapalin a plynů. - 2. část. Hydrogeologie. - 2. díl Skripta VŠB Ostrava, 1991, ISBN 80-7078-093, 179 s. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Tutorials, Project work |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |