Course Unit Code | 224-0061/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| LAH43 | doc. Dr. Ing. Hynek Lahuta |
Summary |
The subject belongs to those one underlying the geotechnical engineering. On the basis of a knowledge of static, elasticity, engineering geology and hydrogeology it pursues the fundamental topics involved in the shallow and deep foundations structures, the design methods aimed at evaluating the ground load bearing capacity and the foundation settlement, the foundation in difficult ground conditions and in sensitive urban areas. An attention is also given to the foundation failures, foundation failure remediation, monitoring methods, modelling, observation method and risk assessment. The undergraduate gains knowledge about the foundation structures and evaluation of the foundation grounds. He learns to calculate the frequent foundation structures utilising the up-to-date design methods satisfying the contemporary local (Czech ČSN) and European (EC7) legislative and technical standards. Foundation; rock environment; soil; foundation construction; bearing capacity; settlement; reconstruction of foundation constructions; foundation constructions failures; reconstruction of foundations. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
Students should design and evaluate various types of foundation (shallow, depth). He also has to be able to design and evaluate various types of foundation pits, including their security with different reinforcement constructions. |
Course Contents |
1. Content of lectures and exercises. Introduction to problem of foundation engineering. Examples of building designs, foundation-subbase interaction.
2. Survey of building site (stages, types). Methodology of limit states, geotechnical categories. Stress under foundation (origin, due to loads).
3. Shallow foundations – pads, strip footings, foundation slabs, design of connection footing and upper construction, classification of foundation soils, co-operation of supporting structure of subbase, spatial foundation structure.
4. Design and check of shallow foundation – 1st limit state (bearing capacity – horizontal and vertical), factors affect to bearing capacity, influence of groundwater level. Design according to EC 7 (Eurocode).
5. Settlement of shallow foundation – 2nd limit state, failure of buildings, time development of shallow foundation settlement.
6. Reconstruction of shallow foundations. Design, temporary insurance, underpinning foundation, increase of stiffness
7. Foundation pits and their timbering. Braces sheeting, sheet-pile walls, pile walls, technology and utilization, static design.
8. Foundation pit dewatering. Type of drainage (surface, deep, vacuum)
9. Brace and anchor systems for wall brackets. Construction of jet grouting, sealing structure and reservoir. Principles of implementation and design of injected rock anchors. Design of retaining wall (gravity wall, cantilever wall, masonry wall).
10. Geostatic load of structures. Pressures on timbered and anchored walls. Assessment of structural brackets by static calculation.
11. Deep foundations – basic element. Caissons, open caissons and diaphragm walls, design, technology, check.
12. Piles foundation. European piles classification, design of pile foundations (displacement, replacement).
13. Design of axial bored piles, transverse load of piles, micropiles, CFA piles (Continuous Flight Auger).
14. Foundation in special condition. Undermining areas, unstable territory, embankment, dumping ground, seismic areas, collapsible soils.
15. Case history. |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Das, B.M.: Principles of Foundation Engineering. Broks/Cole Thomson, 2004 |
J.Masopust: Navrhování základových a pažících konstrukcí. Příručka k ČSN EN 1997. ČKAIT, Brno, 2012. ISBN 978-80-87438-31-2
J.Masopust, V. Glisníková: Zakládání staveb.CERM VUT, Brno, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7204-538-9
Z.Štěpánek: Zakládání staveb.ČVUT, Praha, 1993.
J.Hulla, J.Šimek, P.Turček: Mechanika zemín a zakladanie stavieb. Alfa, Bratislava, 1991.ISBN 80-03-00428-4
Hulla J., Turček P.: Zakladanie stavieb, Bratislava 1999
Recommended Reading: |
Atkinson, J.: The Mechanics of Soils and Foundations. London, McGraw-Hill Company, 1993 |
Šimek J. a kol.: Mechanika zemin. SNTL Praha 1990
J.Malgot, F.Klepsatel, I.Trávníček: Mechanika hornin a inžinierska geológia. Alfa, Bratislava 1992.
J.Bradáč: Základové konstrukce. VUT Brno 1995. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Tutorials |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |