Course Unit Code | 225-0305/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 4 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| SOL63 | doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D. |
| VAV0113 | Ing. Nikola Vavřínová |
| STE0199 | Ing. Kateřina Stejskalová, Ph.D. |
Summary |
The subject Industry and Building Construction II. covers the issue of protection of buildings against the radon, buildings situated in undermined area and buildings in flood area. The subject also covers the possibilities of protection of buildings against the radon from the subsoil and from building materials, against the negative effects of undermining and against the effects of flood wave. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
The aim of the subject Industry and Building Construction II. is to manage the issue of protection of buildings against the radon, buildings situated in undermined area and buildings in flood area. It also covers the possibilities of protection of buildings against the radon from the subsoil and from building materials, against the negative effects of undermining and against the effects of flood wave. |
Course Contents |
Syllabus of lecture:
1. Protection of buildings against the radon. Radon properties. Basic concepts the radon decay constant, the radon diffusion length, radon index of the plot, radon index of the building, constructions of the 1., 2. and 3. category of impermeability. Sources of radon subsoil, building materials, water.
2. Protection of buildings against the radon. Protection of buildings against the radon from subsoil. Design principles of protection of new buildings at low, medium and high radon index of building.
3. Protection of buildings against the radon. Protection of buildings against the radon from subsoil. Design of the radon-proof membrane.
4. Protection of buildings against the radon. The protection of residential areas in existing buildings when the radon concentration in interior C < 600 Bq/m3, 600 Bq/m3 ≤ C < 1200 Bq/m3 and C ≥ 1200 Bq/m3.
5. Protection of buildings against the radon. The other possibilities of reducing the radon concentration in interior. The protection of residential areas in existing buildings against the radon from the building materials and from the water.
6. Buildings in undermined area. Effects of underground excavation on the surface. Continuous deformation of the ground. Drop basin parameters. Theory of drop basin. Mining conditions. Discontinuous deformation of the ground. Application of parameters of deformation of the ground on buildings. Categorization of sites.
7. Buildings in undermined area. Requirements for engineering geological exploration. Structural principles for designing buildings in undermined area. Rigid, pliable and mixed constructions.
8. Buildings in undermined area. Effects of continuous deformation of the ground on the foundations. Friction in level of foundation and on the sides of foundations. Increased soil pressure. Application of sliding joints.
9. Buildings in undermined area. Effect of lean and curvature of the terrain on rigid and pliable constructions. Assurance of brick and sectional constructions. Reinforced concrete skeletons in undermined area.
10. Buildings in undermined area. Steel constructions in undermined area. Halls and crane runways. Optimal bearing structures and arrangement of cramps.
11. Buildings in undermined area. Underground structures in undermined area. Principles of protection of objects of mining organizations.
12. Buildings in undermined area. Rectification of buildings. Assurance of existing buildings. Removal of mining damage.
13. Buildings in flood area. Basic concepts flood wave, speed of water flow, depth of flood wave, flood damage etc. Structural principles for designing buildings in flood areas.
14. Buildings in flood area. Loading of buildings during the flood wave. Modifications of existing buildings.
15. Buildings in flood area. Redevelopment of buildings after the flood.
Syllabus of seminar:
1. Protection of buildings against the radon. Design of the protective precautions for new buildings with medium and high radon index of the building.
2. Protection of buildings against the radon. Design of the protective precautions for new buildings with medium and high radon index of the building.
3. Protection of buildings against the radon. Design of the subsequent protective precautions for existing buildings against the radon from the subsoil.
4. Protection of buildings against the radon. Design of the subsequent protective precautions for existing buildings against the radon from the subsoil.
5. Protection of buildings against the radon. Design of the subsequent protective precautions for existing buildings against the radon from building materials.
6. Buildings in undermined area. Continuous deformation of the ground. Drop basin parameters in Ostrava-Karviná district.
7. Buildings in undermined area. Application of deformation of the ground on rigid and pliable constructions.
8. Buildings in undermined area. Application of the main principles of the optimal design of rigid and pliable constructions in undermined area.
9. Buildings in undermined area. Calculation of the effects of horizontal deformation of the ground in the foundations of the building founded on abutments with draw rods.
10. Buildings in undermined area. Calculation of the effects of horizontal deformation of the ground in the foundations of the building founded on longitudinal and transverse strip foundation.
11. Buildings in undermined area. Calculation of the effects of horizontal deformation of the ground in the foundations of the building founded on base plate.
12. Buildings in undermined area. Effect of terrain curvature on foundations.
13. Buildings in flood area. Design of the buildings against the effects of flood wave.
14. Buildings in flood area. Calculation of loading of buildings during the flood wave.
15. Buildings in flood area. Design of the redevelopment of buildings after the flood.
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
MEHTA, M., SCARBOROUGH, W., ARMPRIEST, D. Building Construction: Principles, Materials, and Systems. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Pearson, 2017. 1008 p. ISBN 978-0134454177.
STEIGER, L. Basics Building Construction. 1st ed. Basel: Birkhauser, 2015. 396 p. ISBN 978-3035603729.
[1] ČSN 73 0601 Ochrana staveb proti radonu z podloží (2006).
[2] ČSN 73 0602 Ochrana staveb proti radonu a záření gama ze stavebních materiálů (1998).
[3] Witzany, J., Jiránek, M., Zlesák, J., Zigler, R.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 20. . ČVUT Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-01-03422-4.
[4] Jiránek, M.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb. Ochrana proti radonu. ČVUT Praha, 2000. ISBN 80-01-02190-4.
[5] Jiránek, M., Honzíková, M.: Výběr protiradonových opatření. Státní ústav pro jadernou bezpečnost, Stavební fakulta ČVUT v Praze, 2012. ISBN 978 -80-01-05023-1.
[6] ČSN 73 0039 Navrhování objektů na poddolovaném území. (2015)
[7] Bradáč, J. a kol.: Navrhování objektů na poddolovaném území. Komentář k ČSN 73 0039. Vydavatelství norem Praha, 1991. ISBN 80-85111-19-5.
[8] Bradáč, J.: Účinky poddolování a ochrana objektů. Díl první. EXPERT - technické nakladatelství Ostrava. Ostrava, 1996.
[9] Bradáč, J.: Účinky poddolování a ochrana objektů. Díl druhý. Dům techniky Ostrava, spol. s r. o. 1. vydání, květen 1999. ISBN 80-02-01276-3.
[10] Solař, J.: Poruchy a rekonstrukce zděných staveb. Grada Publishing, a. s. Praha, 2008. ISBN 978-80-247-2672-4.
Recommended Reading: |
SAHU, G. C., JENA, J. Building Materials and Construction. 1st ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education, 2015. 584 p. ISBN 978-93-392-2062-4.
[1] ČSN 73 0601 Ochrana staveb proti radonu z podloží (2006).
[2] ČSN 73 0602 Ochrana staveb proti radonu a záření gama ze stavebních materiálů (1998).
[3] Witzany, J., Jiránek, M., Zlesák, J., Zigler, R.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 20. . ČVUT Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-01-03422-4.
[4] Jiránek, M.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb. Ochrana proti radonu. ČVUT Praha, 2000. ISBN 80-01-02190-4.
[5] Jiránek, M., Honzíková, M.: Výběr protiradonových opatření. Státní ústav pro jadernou bezpečnost, Stavební fakulta ČVUT v Praze, 2012. ISBN 978 -80-01-05023-1.
[6] ČSN 73 0039 Navrhování objektů na poddolovaném území. (2015)
[7] Bradáč, J. a kol.: Navrhování objektů na poddolovaném území. Komentář k ČSN 73 0039. Vydavatelství norem Praha, 1991. ISBN 80-85111-19-5.
[8] Bradáč, J.: Účinky poddolování a ochrana objektů. Díl první. EXPERT - technické nakladatelství Ostrava. Ostrava, 1996.
[9] Bradáč, J.: Účinky poddolování a ochrana objektů. Díl druhý. Dům techniky Ostrava, spol. s r. o. 1. vydání, květen 1999. ISBN 80-02-01276-3.
[10] Solař, J.: Poruchy a rekonstrukce zděných staveb. Grada Publishing, a. s. Praha, 2008. ISBN 978-80-247-2672-4.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Tutorials, Project work |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |