Course Unit Code | 040-1105/01 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle, Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter, Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| DAN40 | prof. RNDr. Pavel Danihelka, CSc. |
Summary |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
At the level of knowledge: to introduce students of engineering disciplines to the issue of risks that engineers encounter in their practice: risks within process safety, product safety, occupational health and safety, information safety, critical infrastructure safety, fire protection, natural risks, crisis management (including at the enterprise level), maintaining business continuity management. Understand risk management terminology and procedures, know the basic risk management tools.
Definition of risk management terms and their interpretation. Hazard and risk, their meaning and the evolution of approaches to them. The meaning and objectives of risk management.
Systematic approach to risk management - individual steps of risk management, their interrelations and links. ISO 31 000 as a general risk management standard.
Hazard identification: types of hazards, their manifestations and how to find them. Transfer of matter, energy and information as the basis of the mechanism of action of hazards. Types of hazards - physical, chemical, biological, hazards arising from man-machine relationships and information transfer. Deterministic and probabilistic approach, qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative methods of risk analysis. Expression of risks and their quantification. Expressing the severity and uncertainty of risks.
At the skills level: Students will understand and be able to actively use safety terminology and master and basic skills of risk analysis and management in the context of the above safety areas, in the sense of ISO 31000 and in relation to other management systems such as ISO 45000 (occupational safety), ISO 27000 (information security), ISO 22301 (business continuity management - BCM), but also in relation to other standards and legislation. They will be able to communicate with and understand the security specialists in their area of activity and security regulations. They will also be able to:
Scenario search and risk analysis. Rules and tools for scenario development.
Risk assessment as a managerial decision-making process. Risk acceptability. Transition between risk analysis and risk assessment, ways of setting risk management objectives. Compliance with legislation, voluntary tools. Company safety culture. Enterprise safety policy.
Risk treatment as implementation of management objectives. Organisational and technical barriers to risk, their effectiveness. Human factor. Feedback in controlling the effectiveness of barriers, trade-offs between risks.
Residual risks and their treatment. Insurance, contingency and crisis plans, the principle of "business continuity management".
Course Contents |
1. Definition of terms in risk management and their interpretation. ISO Guide 73:2009. Hazard and risk, their meaning and the evolution of approaches to them. The meaning and objectives of risk management.
2. Systematic approach to risk management - the individual steps of risk management, their interrelationships and linkages. ISO 31 000 as a general risk management standard.
3. Hazard identification: types of hazards, their manifestations and how to find them.
4. Transfer of matter, energy and information as the basis of the mechanism of action of hazards.
5. Types of hazards - physical, chemical, biological, hazards arising from man-machine relationships and information transfer.
6. Scenario search and risk analysis. Rules and tools for scenario development. Expression of risks and their quantification. Expressing the severity and uncertainty of risks.
7. Deterministic and probabilistic approach, qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative methods of risk analysis. ISO 31 010.
8. Risk assessment as a managerial decision-making process. Risk acceptability. Transition between risk analysis and risk assessment, ways of setting risk management objectives. Compliance with legislation, voluntary tools.
9. Company safety culture. Enterprise safety policy.
10. Risk treatment as implementation of management objectives. Organisational and technical barriers to risk, their effectiveness. Human factor. Feedback in controlling the effectiveness of barriers, trade-offs between risks.
11. Residual risks and their treatment.
12. Insurance, contingency and crisis plans, the principle of "business continuity management".
13. Risk management as a framework for occupational health and safety, ergonomics and occupational hygiene, prevention of major accidents, fire protection and environmental protection. |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Danihelka, P.: Hazard Science (Study support within the framework of the project Technology for the Future II), VSB-TUO OStrava 2020
ISO guide 79:2009
ISO 31000
ISO 45000
Pavel Danihelka: Nauka o nebezpečí (Studijní opora v rámci projektu Technika pro budoucnost II.), VŠB-TUO OSTrava 2020
Recommended Reading: |
Poljanšek, K., Marin Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I., (Eds.), 2017. Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-
79-60678-6, doi:10.2788/688605, JRC102482. |
Skřehot, P. a kol: Prevence nehod a havárií, Praha VÚBP Praha 2009, ISBN 978-80-86973-73-9 |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Seminars, Individual consultations, Project work |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |