1.Virtual instrumentation as generous trend in measurement instrumentation, architecture of automated measurement system, basic philosophy of development environments used in graphical programming.
2.Introduction to LabVIEW development environment, main parts, data flow driven paradigm, debugging tools, stepping, visualization of data flow, probes, break points.
3.Graphical user interface of virtual instrument, front panel, objects of front panel, data types, structures, modes of front panel objects. Block diagram of virtual instrument, end points - terminals, definition of data paths, SubVI, data-flow.
4.Creation process of front panel, properties and modification of front panel elemensts. Numeric elements data type and its change. Enumerator. Properties of boolean elements - mechanical action. Text strings. Subpanel, Listbox. User defined help.
5. Code implementation - block diagram. Program structures: FOR-type cycle, WHILE-type cycle, CASE, Sequence, math expression block, indexing in input and output tunnels, shift registers, polymorphism of functions.
6.Context help, searching for functions and code examples. Debugging techniques, breakpoints, probes, conditional probes. Error handling. Code documentation.
7.Modular application development. Creating SubVI, Connector, Icon. Using SubVI. Polymorphism of basic blocks. User-defined front panel objects, completing the front panel by importing graphics, animating objects on the front panel.
8.Data structures: field, cluster, and work with them. 1D and more dimensional arrays, field work functions. Initialization, field autoindex. Cluster: designation, creation, modification, reading of elements.
9. Graphs and visualization of numerical data. Splitting of graphs and utilization of individual types. Modify graphical form of graphs: colors, raster, curves, auto-skating, axis formats, cursors, legend of a graph. Methods to display multiple curves in one chart.
10.Archive data in files and file functions. Write and read data from a file. Text files, binary, LVM, TDMS, INI. Elementary functions for file handling. Advanced Features - Advantages / Disadvantages. Creating a file path.
11.Function to work with text strings, formatting, scanning. Text strings, front-panel elements working with text strings, display modes, text strings - editing, replacing, searching, formatting and scanning functions, text string conversion.
12. Programmatic application architectures composed of subordinate tasks, data exchange. One Loop Architecture. LabVIEW state machine. Parallel run of 2 loops and data transfer between them: local variable, global variable, function variable, network-shared variable.
13.Setting of VI Running Features - VI Window Options, Setting Device Options, Creating Dialogs Using VI Run Options, LabVIEW Parallelism, Priority of Block Diagram Parts, Using WAIT for Priority Execution Control.
14.Property Nodes in a block diagram for programmatic control of front panel object properties - use for simple objects, object access, program-specific menu text-type menu completion, Property Nodes associated with graphs, Property Node item selection and mode.
Software applications in G language oriented into measurement area.
1. Introduction into development environment LabVIEW, graphical programming language G, main principles of graphical programming, Data Flow principles, modular programming, debugging tools LabVIEW.
2. Control program structure in G, FOR and WHILE loops, SHIFT registrs and using, implementation in floating average.
3. Array, indexing, auto-indexing in loops, functions polymorphism.
4. Cluster (structure), functions for work with structures.
5. Graphs, graph data structures. Semestral project setting.
6. Structure CASE, Formula Node, Strings.
7. Property nodes, using. Program controlling of front panel object properties.
8. Work with strings, string changing, searching, searching, formatting into, scanning from.
9. Application composed with more virtual instruments, sub-virtual instrument, data sharing between parts of application, global variable.
10. Work with files, types of files, using functions for data storing. Storing data into TXT data file, reading TXT data file.
11. Dialog windows, mode of virtual instrument running.
12. Work on semestral project.
13. Work on semestral project.
14. Semestral project evaluation, Tets, Award a credit. |