Course Unit Code | 450-2094/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 4 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Optional |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| MAC37 | Ing. Zdeněk Macháček, Ph.D. |
Summary |
The subject Digital Signal Processing follows the subject of bachelor study dealing with continuous signal processing and system analyses (Signals and Systems).
The subject enables obtain knowledge of the theoretical basis of digital signal processing in the area of modern digital control and communication technology. The course focuses on theoretical knowledge, measurement and analysis of digital signals together with digital signal processing.
The student will be able to work with discrete time signals, digital signals and he/she will be able to determine their basic characteristics, correlation functions, frequency spectra, and he/she will be able to analyze the digital signal filtering. He/she will be able to use MATLAB for signal processing and he/she will be able to implement the algorithms with selected microprocessor technologies usage.
This subject is intended for students of bachelor study at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at VŠB - TU Ostrava.
Learning outcomes of the course is to provide basic knowledge for further study in the field of control systems, communication technology, electronics.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
The subject Digital Signal Processing provides a basis for further study in the field of digital signal processing and signal processing by digital filters, analyze digital signals.
The student will be able to work with discrete time signals, digital signals and he/she will be able to determine their basic characteristics, correlation functions, frequency spectra, digital signal filtration analyses. He/she will be able to use MATLAB program environment for signal analysis and he/she will be able to implement algorithms with selected microprocessor technologies usage.
Course Contents |
Basic distribution of signal types and basic definitions with focus on signals digitalization, definition of the studied problem with mathematical description and graphical expression of digital signal processing.
Transformation from analog signal to digital signal, basic algorithms of digital signal modulation.
Shannon and Kotelnikov theorem, impulse signal, renewal signal w (t) by filtering the impulse signal wI (t) by low pass filter,
Discrete time signal w [n]. Basic definitions, characteristics of digital signal
Correlation function of discrete time signal w [n], signal analysis in time domain
Frequency spectrum of the discrete time signal w [n]. DFT, FFT algorithms. Energy spectrum of discrete time signal w [n], spectrum of power with discrete time signal w [n].
Methods of digital signal filtration FIR filters. Basic algorithms description.
Methods of filtration of digital signal IIR filters. Basic algorithms description.
Methods of filtration of digital signal by frequency filtration. Basic algorithms description.
Principles of digital signal conversion to analog signal. Basic digital signal demodulation algorithms.
laboratory introduction. Analysis and implementation of signal algorithms by comparing analog, pulse, discrete and digital signals.
Implementation of transformation from analog signal to digital signal, basic digital signal modulation algorithms.
Shannon and Kotelnikov theorem, impulse signal, renewal signal w (t) by filtering the impulse signal wI (t) by low pass filter,
Implementation and analysis of signal parameters with discrete time signal w [n], digital signal.
Analysis of the correlation function of the discrete time signal w [n] in the time domain.
Implementation of frequency spectrum of discrete time signal w [n]. DFT, FFT algorithms. Spectrum of discrete time signal w [n], discrete time signal spectrum w [n] ..
Methods of digital signal filtration FIR filters. Implementation of basic algorithms.
Methods of filtration of digital signal by frequency filtration. Implementation of basic algorithms.
Methods of filtration of digital signal by frequency filtration. Implementation of basic algorithms.
Final exam. Termination of laboratories.
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Macháček Z. Digital signal processing. Available at the teacher and on the web pages Ostrava. 2017.
Stranneby D. Digital Signal Processing: DSP and Applications. Newnes. Great Britain. 2001
Nevřiva P., Kaminský D. Číslicové signály a soustavy. Skripta k dispozici u vyučujícího a na WWW stránkách katedry na serveru 2012
Macháček Z. Digitální zpracování signálu. Sylaby k dispozici u vyučujícího a na WWW stránkách katedry na serveru Ostrava. 2017.
Stranneby D. Digital Signal Processing: DSP and Applications. Newnes. Great Britain. 2001. eBook ISBN: 9780080491011. |
Recommended Reading: |
John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis: Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Pearson Education. 2014. |
Nevřiva P.: Analýza signálů a soustav. BEN Praha, Praha 2000.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Individual consultations, Experimental work in labs |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |