Course Unit Code | 635-2003/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Optional |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle, Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter, Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| VLC37 | prof. Ing. Jozef Vlček, Ph.D. |
| ELE003 | doc. Ing. Hana Ovčačíková, Ph.D. |
Summary |
The subject is focused to obtain of fundamental view in area traditional ceramics materials. Attention is paid to basic characteristics of ceramics materials, are presented systems raw materials for their production. In the subject are presented characteristics, dividing and properties ceramics substance, including procedures their shaping and next stages of technology production of ceramics materials.
The short characteristic of properties and applications of conventional ceramics materials in practice are part of subject.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
- student will be able to make decision about application of ceramics materials
- student will be able to apply gained knowledge in technology process of production ceramics materials
Course Contents |
1. The characteristic and range of branch, definition and dividing of ceramics materials – whiteware, porcelain, refractories, advanced ceramics.
2. The structure of ceramics, porosity, presence of crystalline and glass phase, equilibrium phase diagrams in ceramics systems.
3. The basic raw materials in ceramics technology, their behaviour under the influence of high temperature: oxides, carbonate, feldspar.
4. The clay raw materials for production ceramics materials. Dividing and plasticity of clay. Clay behaviour under the influence of high temperature. Equilibrium phase diagrams SiO2 - Al2O3, the mullitization process of clay.
5. Grain size distribution, adjustment of grain size distribution of raw materials. Particle size role for porosity, mechanical and temperature properties of ceramics materials.
6. The basic methods of shaping ceramics products. Prepare of raw materials for shaping. Plastic forming, pressing of powder systems, isostatic pressing, extrusion.
7. Casting of slurry and methods of their stabilization. Methods of shaping in hot condition. Mechanical adjustment of shape and surface of ceramics products.
8. Drying of ceramics materials. Safety and non-safety area of drying process. Bigot curve, temperature and time programme of drying. Utilization of waste energy in drying process.
9. Sintering of ceramics products, reactions in sintering process, change of structure and phase composition of ceramics materials, sintering with and absence of melt phase.
10. The clay ceramics materials, common characteristic of production. Porcelain, earthenware – raw materials, technology of production, properties of products.
11. Brickmaking process – raw materials, technology of production. Utilization of high amount arise waste (fly ash, slags) for preparation of ceramics products.
12. Basic types of ceramics refractories products, dividing according to chemical and phase composition. The rules for application of refractories in operation conditions.
13. The thermal insulation ceramics materials. The methods of production of light weight gravel and shape products.
14. Glass and glass-ceramics materials. The difference between glass and crystalline structure, glass products.
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
[1] CARTER, C. B., NORTON, M. G. Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering. 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4614-3522-8. |
[1] HLAVÁČ, J. Základy technologie silikátů. 2. vyd. Praha: SNTL, 1988.
[2] HANYKÝŘ, V., KUTZENDÖRFER, J. Technologie keramiky. 2. vyd. Praha: Silikátový svaz, 2008. ISBN 978-80-86821-48-1.
Recommended Reading: |
[1] KOLLER, A. Structure and Properties of Ceramics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1994. ISBN 0-444-98719-3. |
[1] SVOBODA, L. et al. Stavební hmoty. 2. vyd. Bratislava: JAGA Group, 2007. ISBN 978-80-8076-057-1. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Tutorials, Experimental work in labs |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |