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ECTS Course Overview

Management of Enterprise

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code654-2002/02
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated6 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Optional
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter, Summer Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionEnglish
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
VIL10doc. Ing. Šárka Vilamová, Ph.D.
AME001Ing. Omar Ameir, Ph.D.
The subject introduces basic terms, techniques, skills and theories of management since its historical roots up to oresent. This way it creates presumptions for more detailed study of individual management issues with the emphasis on specifics of industrial company. The subject focuses to sources of nowadays enterprise management: a relation to system theories, to other scientific disciplines, historic resources; as well as to a comprehensive view to personal, process and organization management. A significant attention is dedicated to the development of manager’s personality and managerial skills, especially then to the process of knowledge and skills acquirement.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
After passing the subject student will be able to orient himself in basic concepts, functions, linkages and theories of enterprise management. Student will obtain knowledge on enterprise organizational structures and their suitable implementations according to specifics of production companies. Student will learn modern approaches to individual subareas of enterprise management, such as HR, innovation, change and crisis management. Student will understand the irreplaceable role of manager and will get the view of managerial skills and self-management techniques.
Course Contents
1. Basic definitions and terminology from the area of enterprise management. Roles of all production factors.
2. Management of industrial organization: strategic, tactical and supervisory level management, duties and related competencies.
3. Sequential managerial functions –planning and organizing of production and related production factors, employee leadership and verification of set plans.
4. Historical pillars of enterprise management. Inspiration in management of enterprises and employees in Japan, in the U.S. and in Europe.
5. Development of production management theories: mechanistic, behavioural, scientific, modern and postmodern approaches.
6. Problem solution. Parallel managerial functions. Solution process. Methods of problem solution
7. Contemporary organizational structures of production companies.
8. Implementation of organizational structures according to specifics of enterprises. Case studies.
9. Person of manager. Hard and soft skills with the emphasis on control of workers positions. Managerial role related to the level and function of industrial company management.
10. Self-management: self-evaluation, career, time management, stress control.
11. Management of information and knowledge. Role and management of innovation in industry.
12. Contemporary tools of human resource management. Theories of motivation and leadership with the accent on less qualified employees.
13. Process management: maintenance and operative management, logistics management and project management.
14. Modern areas of management of enterprise: Management of changes, crisis management and risk management.
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
ROBBINS, S., P. and M. COULTER. Management. 14th edition, Prentice Hall: Pearson, 2016, ISBN-10: 1-292-21583-6.
SAMOLEJOVÁ, A. a M. Čech. Podnikový management.
TOMEK, G. a V. VÁVROVÁ. Průmysl. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2017, ISBN: 978-80-906594-4-5.
ROBBINS, S., P. and M. COULTER. Management. Prentice Hall: Pearson, 2016, ISBN-10: 1-292-21583-6.
Recommended Reading:
ROTHAERMEL, F., T. Strategic management. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Education, 2016, ISBN-10: 1-259-4204-77.
PORVAZNÍK, J. Celostní management. Bratislava: IKAR, 2014, ISBN: 978-80-815303-02.
VÁCHAL, J., M. VOCHOZKA a kol. Podnikové řízení. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013, ISBN 80-24746-425.
ROTHAERMEL, F., T. Strategic management. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Education, 2016, ISBN-10: 1-259-4204-77.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Tutorials
Assesment methods and criteria
Tasks are not Defined