1. Introduction to Waste Management. Causes of waste. Species and categories of waste. Historical development of waste management. Hazardous Properties of waste. Evaluation of the hazards of waste. Sources and incidence of waste. Priorities waste. Use of waste. Recycling and recovery of waste. Costs
waste disposal.
2. Legislation on waste management. Act No. 185/2001 Coll. the waste. The concept of waste, hazardous waste, municipal waste and other terms. The classification of waste according to Waste. Authorization for evaluation of hazardous properties of waste. Certificate of absence of hazardous properties of waste. General obligations in waste management.
3. Ministry Decree No. 383/2001 Coll. details of waste management. Request for approval to operate a facility for recovery, disposal, purchase and waste collection. Technical requirements for equipment to use, disposal, collection and purchase of waste. The technical requirements for landfills and their operation conditions. The method of evaluation of waste leaching under.
4. Ministry Decree No. 381/2001, Coll. establishing a catalog of waste. List of hazardous waste. The procedure for granting permission to import, export and transit of waste. Ministry Decree No. 376/2001, Coll. Assessment of hazardous waste characteristics. Person in charge. The definition of hazardous
properties of waste. Methods for evaluation of hazardous properties of waste. The procedure for
valuation of hazardous properties. Certificate of Exclusion hazardous properties.
5. Municipal waste. Collection of municipal wastes. Classification and separate collection of municipal wastes. Hazardous substances in municipal wastes. The use of municipal wastes. Disposal of municipal solid waste. Problems of the municipal waste landfill. Mechanical sorting of household waste. Material and energy recovery of municipal wastes. Packaging materials municipal wastes. Representation of individual components of household waste. Influence the packaging on the environment. Sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants. Raw sludge and stabilized sludge. The composition of sludge from wastewater treatment plants (pathogenic micro-organisms, heavy metals). Thickening, stabilization, dewatering, disinfection. Anaerobic stabilization, biogas production. Combustion and pyrolysis of sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Wastes from the food industry. Types of waste generated and the compen food processing. Animal fats and dairy products (containing PCBs). Waste water with high content of NaCl, NO3-, NO2-, antibiotics. Use of waste as feed, food waste, energy use, biological transformation of compost and biogas.
6. Waste from industry. Oxygen compounds (alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones), nitrogen compounds (amines, trinitrotoluene, nitriles), sulfur compounds (thiols, sulfides), hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs, halogenated hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls. Recycling and recovery
industrial waste. The basic concept of treatment of industrial waste. Ecological aspects of industrial waste. Basic processing techniques and industrial waste disposal (incineration, pyrolytic decomposition, the melting slag, neutralization and precipitation, desalting, anaerobic digestion). waste inorganic chemical production. Sulfuric acid, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, phosphoric acid, nitric acid. Recycling of used catalysts and sludge. Wastes containing fluoride. Cyanides. Wastes from organic chemical production. Surfactants, organic dyes, pigments, pharmaceuticals, pesticides. Polymer
waste (ethylene, phenol, propylene, formaldehyde). Metal-bearing wastes. Galvanic bath. Iron oxides. Chelatizační agents. Recycling of metal waste content of aluminum, copper, lead, cadmium. Wastes from the production of metals. Waste from metalworking. Amortization management. Methods of treatment and recovery. Processing of galvanic sludge. Waste from glass plants. Fragments containing metal impurities (Pb, Se, Sb, Cd), slag and lining High containing heavy metals. Grinding residue waste is abrasive. Waste glass etching. Regeneration of glass fibers.
7. Wastes from industries. Cement powder, Chlorinated hydrocarbons (chlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, furans). Used Cooling liquid emulsion cutting machining operations. Remnants of paint and paint shops spray boxes. Detergents. Spent oil filters and used grease from dismantled machines. Oil sludge from hardening of the spa remnants of scale. Waste from construction activities. Waste from building construction. Waste from transportation and civil engineering. Soils and excavation materials, construction debris, Road demolition materials, construction waste from construction sites. Modification of construction waste and its recovery.
8. Wastes from the leather industry. Chemical materials to dissolve animal skins for leather (concentrated solution of lime and hydrate of sodium sulfate). Waste from chromočinění, chromium salts, sodium formate. Waste from leather production processes (waste oil, waste hair, keratin waste). Evaluation and utilization Waste from the leather industry. Wastes from the textile industry. Synthetic
polymer fibers. Dyes, lubricants and antistatic agents (nitrophenol aromatic amines, sulfur compounds). Types of textile materials and their generated waste (fiber, yarn, textile surface formations waste). Appropriate methods of recovery and processing of textile waste.
9. Waste from the energy industry. The waste products of energy industry (ash, fly ash, slag). The harmful effect of ash on health and environment. Use of fly ash and slag in construction (concrete, brick
production, fillers in cement, road construction). The practical possibilities of fly ash in agriculture. Wastes from the manufacture of electrical equipment containing PCBs. Mixtures of chemicals in the manufacture of photographic materials. Waste from the desulfurization equipment. PVC container. Wastes from the manufacture of electrical components.
10. Wastes from mining, transportation, processing and use of oil. Volatile organic VOC substances. Spent lubricating oil UMO. Wastes generated during oil transport (Maritime transport, transport pipelines, road and rail transport). Procedures due to accidents on water bodies and streams. Emissions from processing plants oil. Liquid wastes generated during oil refining. Refinery sludge. Technological waste streams resulting from processing oil refining waste petroleum oils, spent bleaching clay, coating and incrustation from storage tanks, contaminated soil and dust). Spent refining agents and chemicals. Minimizing the amount of waste. Optimize the use of refinery wastes. Final refined methods of processing waste.
11. Waste from agriculture and forestry. Wastes from crop production and treatment (straw, waste pickling seeds, plastic packaging, inorganic agrochemicals, organic pesticide residues). Waste from livestock production. Litter and litter operations. Production of biogas. Utilization and processing of manure.
Processing of agricultural waste abroad. Utilization and processing of wood. Waste in the pulp. Energy recovery from waste wood. Usage waste from production of paper and paperboard.
12. Waste treatment technologies. Thermal methods of waste treatment (Combustion, the general scheme of waste incineration, combustion products and waste them, pyrolysis of waste).
13. Biological methods of waste treatment. Aerobic and anaerobic degradation and its principles. Physical, chemical and physico-chemical methods of processing waste.
14. Storing waste in landfills and underground spaces. Seals and landfill drainage. Landfill facilities. Exclusion criteria for the construction of landfills. Reclamation, rehabilitation and aftercare of the landfill. Fees for storage of waste landfill. Financial reserve. |