Course Unit Code | 541-0011/08 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 4 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Optional |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| CHL0091 | Mgr. Štěpán Chládek, Ph.D. |
Summary |
Crystalline substances - the point of interest. Their morphology, inner structure, inter-regularities. Crystal symmetry, crystal systems. Chemical
crystallography, geometrical and chemical factors. Chemical bonds and their relation to physical properties. The explanation of the terms “isomorphism”
and “polymorphism”. Macrodiagnostic physical properties of mineral phases. Optical properties and their identification by using the polarizing microscope.
Systematic mineralogy, classification principles. A systematic overview of basic (best-known) mineral phases of elements of sulphides, halogenides,
oxides and hydroxides, nitrates, carbonates, sulphates, phosphates and silicates. Genetic mineralogy, main paragenetic regularities, succession. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
The objective is comprehension of mineral´s crystal structure, its characteristics, clasification systems, genesis of minerals and its research methods. Students should learn:
Collect basic principles of mineral characteristics and classification. Describe, clarify and interpret natural processes of mineral cycle. Theoretically know basic analytical methods for minerals and crystals research. Ilustrate knowledge in examples of describing and utilization of minerals.
Course Contents |
1. Morphological crystallography, main crystallographic laws. Symmetry
crystals simple shapes. Miller symbols, stereographic projection,
Crystal systems and separations.
2. Structural crystallography, crystal lattices, x-ray methods,
determination of minerals.
3. Chemical crystallography, atomic structure, chemical bonds, coordination
numbers and polyhedra, the importance of the geometric and chemical factor in different types
isomorphism. Polymorphism and polytypy.
4. Physical crystallography, macrodiagnostic physical properties
5. Optical crystallography, methods of determining optical properties,
polarizing microscope. Relationship between structural crystallography and optical properties.
7. Systematic mineralogy. The principle of the mineralogical system (Strunze).
Description of minerals in individual groups and their identification: elements, sulfides, halides, oxides and hydroxides.
8. Description of minerals and their identification: carbonates, sulfates, phosphates
9. Description of minerals and their identification: silicates and their division based on structure: - non-silicates, sorosilicates, cyclosilicates
10. Description of minerals and their identification: silicates and their division based on structure:- inosilicates, phyllosilicates, tectosilicates, foids, feldspars, zeolites.
11. Genetic mineralogy. Processes leading to the formation of minerals and rocks in
different genetic conditions. Igneous origin of minerals. Magma differentiation.
12. Sedimentary and metamorphic origin of minerals.
13. Topography of the most important mineralogical localities in the Czech Republic. |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
KLEIN C., HURLBUT C.: Manual of Mineralogy. – Wiley, 1993.
GAINES R.V. et al.: Dana´s New Mineralogy. – Wiley, 1997.
BERNARD J.H., HYRŠL J.: Minerals and their Localities.- Granit, 2004.
WINCHELL, A. N.: Elements of Optical Mineralogy. – Vydav. John Wiley and Sons New York, 1976. |
SLAVÍK, F. a kol.: Mineralogie. – Vydav. ACADEMIA, Praha, 1974.
ZAMARSKÝ, V. a kol.: Mineralogie systematická I. díl. VŠB, Ostrava, 1981.
RACLAVSKÁ, H.; MATÝSEK, D.; MACHEK, P.: Mineralogická krystalografie. VŠB, Ostrava, 2000.
GAINES R.V. et al.: Dana´s New Mineralogy. – Wiley, 1997. |
Recommended Reading: |
LU, LIMING.: Iron Ore - Mineralogy, Processing and Environmental Sustainability. Elsevier, 2015.
BERNARD J.H., HYRŠL J.: Minerals and their Localities.- Granit, 2004.
MASON, J.: Introducing Mineralogy. Dunedin Academic, 2015.
BILLI, A. F., ÅKE MUKHERJEE, SOUMYAJIT.: Problems and Solutions in Structural Geology and Tectonics, Volume 5. Elsevier, 2019. |
CHVÁTAL, M.: Úvod do systematické mineralogie. Silikátový svaz, Praha, 2005.
CHVÁTAL, M.: Mineralogie pro 1. ročník – Krystalografie. skriptum UK–PřF, Karolinum, Praha, 2002.
Kolektiv katedry geologie a mineralogie: Mineralogická krystalografie. Díl A. VŠB, Ostrava, 1984.
KLEIN C., HURLBUT C.: Manual of Mineralogy. – Wiley, 1993. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Tutorials |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |