1. The principles of international marketing and its specifics, definitions, motives of internationalization, stages of international business development.
2. The process of selecting a foreign market, the analytical level of decision making, evaluating market opportunities, screening process, market conditions and their evaluation, competitiveness, analysis of purchasing behavior, identifying similarities and differences.
3. International marketing environment, dimensions of international environment, main subjects of international relations, transnational corporations.
4. Economic environment and its main aspects, principles of economic environment, economic system and structure, criteria for analysis, determinants of economic environment.
5. Legal and political environment, legal aspects of entry, legal systems, legal environment analysis, political risk, political sovereignty, political system, government stability, domestication, expression, political risk and development analysis.
6. International cultural environment, cultural elements, influence of culture on consumer preferences, religion, language, symbols, culture measurement, examples of cultural customs of individual countries, social groups, lifestyle, Warner stratification.
7. Strategy of entering in the international market, strategic level of decision making, types of international strategies, examples from practice, forms of entry to international markets, classification of these forms, degree of risk and examples from practice.
8. Market research in international marketing, importance, evaluation study, research methodology, research holders, ethics of marketing research, application of research results, specifics and problems in research implementation.
9. International product strategy, analytical dimension of decision making, types of strategy and their choice, sources of innovation, new product introduction, brand management, global products.
10. Price in international marketing, indicators of price development, internal environment of the company, factors of sensitivity, management dimension, goals of pricing policy, determination of demand, decision-making dimensions and choice of pricing strategy.
11. International distribution channels, structure of international distribution channel, selection factors, types of participants, distribution strategies, development trends and examples from practice, logistic decision making and its content.
12. International communication process, restrictions in international environment, barriers, international communication mix and its elements, new trends in communication, online communication, strategy creation.
13. International marketing in services, international trade, services, global media, transport, accommodation and professional services, the problem of customization and globalization in services.
14. Managing level of decision making in international marketing, organizational structure formation, external and internal factors, organization, marketing plan and control. |